

【作者】 孟丽

【导师】 李延年;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文将主要介绍宋元时期教育小说所呈现的历史面貌,从中梳理出教育小说在宋元三百年间所取得的成就以及对后代教育小说创作的影响。 在写作过程中,将首先介绍教育小说这个概念的源头及其在中国的出现与发展过程,进而对这一概念做出准确合理的界定,并依此界定从宋元文言小说中钩稽出教育小说作品。其次,本文将描述宋元时期教育小说的概貌,从整体上把握这一时期教育小说的总体特点、生成背景以及发展演变过程。然后本文将教育小说分为三个大类:家庭教育小说,学校教育小说和社会教育小说,从家庭、学校以及社会三个角度来分析研究教育小说所特有的教育内涵及其对后代教育小说创作的影响。除此之外,宋元时期的教育小说中有关儿童教育题材的作品较其他时代尤为突出,因而,本文也将它作为单独一类进行介绍。再次,古人传统的鬼神赏罚观念在宋元时期的教育小说中也有所体现,并与教育情节结合在一起,故而本文从教育小说的角度对这一观念加以分析研究,进而开拓教育小说的思想内蕴。最后,本文将分析这一时期教育小说所取得的艺术成就,从艺术的角度来观照这一时期的教育小说。

【Abstract】 This text introduce the historical appearance of educational novel mainly, comb out educational novel achievements made and influence created to later generation’s educational novel in Song and Yuan Dynasty.In the course of writing, it will introduce the source and appearance and evolution in China of this concept of the educational novel at first, and then make accurate and rational definition to this concept, and select educational novel work from the classical Chinese novel according to this defininion.Secondly, this text will describe the general picture of educational novel, hold this period educational overall characteristic of novel, turn into background and development develop the course on the whole. Then this text divides the educational novel into three big classes: Home education novel, the educational novel of the school and social education novel, come to analyse and research the educational novel peculiar education intension and influence created to later generation’s educational novel from three angles of family, school and society. In addition, the education novel of period about subject matter of the children education works is more outstanding than other era particularly, therefore, this text regards it as alone one and makes an introduction. Moreover, ancient traditional ghosts and gods mete out rewards and punishments idea reflect to some extent too of the novel in the education of period, combine with education plot, so this text analyses and researches to it in terms of educational novel, and then open up and accumulate in the thought of the educational novel. Finally, this text will analyse the artistic achievement that educational novel will be made of this period, take the education novel of this period into consideration in terms of art.

  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】245

