

Investigation of Dynamic Characteristic of Planetary Gear Transmission

【作者】 王春光

【导师】 常山; 李应生;

【作者基本信息】 中国舰船研究院 , 轮机工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 行星齿轮被广泛应用于船舶、飞机、汽车、重型机械等许多领域,它的振动和噪音一直以来都是普遍关注的问题。为了减小其振动和噪音,动力学分析是必不可少的。本文分析了行星齿轮动力学当中的一些关键性问题,提高了对于行星齿轮传动动态特性的理解。为了对行星齿轮传动进行动力学分析,首先建立了两个分析模型,利用这两个模型回顾了具有回转对称性结构的行星齿轮固有频率和振动模态特点,为后续研究奠定了基础。利用行星齿轮的振动特点,深入研究了行星齿轮固有特性对于设计参数中啮合刚度、支撑刚度、扭转刚度、质量和转动惯量变化的敏感度,得到了与模态动能和模态应变能有关的固有频率敏感度关系式。应用泰勒公式和特征值敏感度公式,通过理论推导,得到了特征值与参数变化曲线之间的分叉和交插规律。结果表明太阳轮、内齿圈和行星架的支撑刚度、扭转刚度、质量和转动惯量中,每一个参数的变化只对某一种类型振动模态具有影响,并且对同一种类型振动模态中各阶振动模态的影响程度也不同。行星轮的设计参数对振动的影响程度最大,几乎对所有振动模态都有影响。啮合刚度的变化对两个旋转模态、两组位移模态和两组行星模态影响较大。固有频率与参数变化曲线中相同振动模态的固有频率与参数变化曲线相互分叉,不同振动模态固有频率与参数变化曲线相互交插。啮合刚度的变化产生了参数不稳定性,利用行星齿轮振动模态特点,应用多自由度系统稳定性分析的多尺度法,得到了稳定区域和不稳定区域分界线公式,探讨了重合度和啮合相位对于参数不稳定的影响。结果表明:通过调整重合度和啮合相位可以减小或者消除一些特定的不稳定区域。

【Abstract】 Planetary gear noise and vibration are primary concerns in theirapplications in the transmissions of marine vessels, aircrafts, automobiles, andheavy machinery.Dynamic analysis is essential to the noise and vibrationreduction.This work analytically investigates some critical issues and advancesthe understanding of planetary gear dynamics.Two parameter models are built for the dynamic analysis of planetary gear.The unique properties of the natural frequency spectra and vibration model aredisserted.The special vibration properties are useful for subsequent research.Taking advantage of the disserted modal properties, the natural frequencyand vibration mode sensitivities to design parameters are closely investigated.The key parameters include mesh stiffness, support stiffness, twiststiffness,component mass,and moments of inertia.The eigensensitivities areexpressed in simple formulae associated with modal strain and kineticenergies.The results indicate each parameter of sun ,ring and carrier ,includingsupport stiffness, twist stiffness,component mass,and moments of inertia,affects one type natural frequency and the infuential extent is disparate todifferent order natural frequency of the same type. Planet design parametersare the most affect parameter and affect most natural frequencies.Meshstiffness affects six different frequencies associated with two rotational modes,two pair of translational modes and two groups of planet modes. Takingadvantage of Taylor formulae and eigensensitivites formulae, the rules ofveering and intersecting are derived to identify changes of natural frequencyunder parameter variations. These results indicate the plots of two same modesveer away and the plots of two different modes intersect with each other in thefigure of natural frequencies versus varying parameter curve. Parametric instabilities are excited by mesh stiffness varity.Using thewell-defined modal properties of planetary gear and the multi-scale method ofinstability analyses of multi-degree of freedom system, the boundary ofstability and instability are derived. The effect of contact ratio and mesh phaseon parametric instability is analytically approached. The results indicateadjusting contact ratio and mesh phasing can suppress or abate some particularinstability.

  • 【分类号】TH132.41
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1470

