

A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Tribe Strongyliini from China (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

【作者】 苑彩霞

【导师】 任国栋;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 树甲族Strongyliini昆虫是较为重要的森林害虫,隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera、多食亚目Polyphaga、拟步甲总科Tenebrionoidea、拟步甲科Tenebrionidae、圆甲亚科Coelometopinae。目前全球已记述60属约2200种(Masumoto,1996)。本研究首次对我国树甲族种类进行较全面的总结,内容包括总论和各论两部分。 总论部分详细介绍了树甲族的研究概况、分类地位与分类系统、材料与方法、形态特征以及生物学特性和经济意义。并首次对2属31种树甲后翅进行了解剖和摄像。通过比较研究发现,翅脉在属内差异小,属间差异较大,主要表现在1A脉和2A脉是否具有共同的分节点。树甲属中存在这一节点,而在铜树甲中两脉通过1条短横脉相连,并且2A脉与3A脉也有1短脉相连。另外对我国树甲种类的地理分布进行了初步分析。 各论部分记述中国树甲族昆虫2属84种(亚种),其中包括9新种,1中国新记录种,2雄性新发现和1疑问种。新种为:云南铜树甲Ainu yunnanense sp. nov.,扶隆铜树甲A. fulongium sp. nov.,道真树甲Strongylium daozhenense sp. nov.,武夷树甲S. wuyishanense sp. nov.,直翅树甲S. orthopterus sp. nov.,短胸树甲S. brachythorax sp. nov.,尖须树甲S. oxypalus sp. nov.,红翅树甲S. erythroelytrae sp. nov.,短头树甲S. brachycephalic sp. nov.;新记录种为:波形树甲S. undulatum Fairmaire,1903。

【Abstract】 The tribe Strongyliini, belonging to the family Tenebrionidae of the order Coleoptera , is of rather great economic importance, and comprises more than 2200 species belonging to 60 genera all over the world (Masumoto, 1996). The species of the tribe Strongyliini from China are firstly delt with in this present paper, which comprises the general account and the systematic account.In the general account a classificatory review, the status of the classification and hierarchy of the tribe Strongyliini are made, and the morphological characteristics, biology and economic importance are also introduced in detail. The hind wings of 31 species belonging to 2 genera are scissored and photographed, the research shows that the difference of the nervure between 2 genera is more obvious than among species in a genus. Besides, the species’ distribution of the tribe Strongyliini in China is also presented and discussed.In the systematic account 84 species known to China belonging to 2 genera are described in detail. Of them, 9 species are new to science: Ainu yunnanense sp. nov., A. fulongium sp. nov., Strongylium daozhenense sp. nov., S. wuyishanense sp. nov., S. orthopterus sp. nov., S. brachythorax sp. nov., S. oxypalus sp. nov., S. erythroelytrae sp. nov., S. brachycephalic sp. nov.; a species is newly recorded from China: S. undulatum Fairmaire, 1903, in addition, the male of 2 species are firstly recorded.

【关键词】 鞘翅目拟步甲科树甲族分类新种中国
【Key words】 ColeopteraTenebrionidaeStrongyliiniTaxonomyNew speciesChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】S763.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】131

