

Clinical Sdudy Diagnosis and Treatment of Ydrotubation under the Guid of B-mode Ultrasonography

【作者】 纪永利

【导师】 夏玉军;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 人体解剖学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨超声监视下输卵管通液术对输卵管性不孕症诊断和治疗的临床价值。方法:选择例不孕妇女将通管液注入宫腔内,在B超监视下行输卵管通液术。观察输卵管腔的内径,形态及气液体通过输卵管的速度,宫腔液暗区分离宽度、附件区宫后区液体多少,术中液体注入时的阻力及患者的感觉等因素。 结果:输卵管通畅情况为:一侧通而不畅一侧通畅35例,一侧通畅一侧梗阻24例,双侧通畅97例,双侧不通畅28例,一侧不通、一侧通而不畅36例,双侧通而不畅64例,疏通术后随访4年怀孕87例。 结论:对不孕妇女行超声监视下输卵管通液术,可达到诊断治疗双重目的,诊断输卵管通畅性较准确,而且该检测方法具有操作简便、安全可靠、损伤性小、费用低廉、可重复性强、实用等优点,因此可作为不孕门诊病人的首选检查方法和初步筛选性诊治手段,在不孕症的鉴别诊断和病因诊断方面亦具有很大的临床价值,非常值得各级医院推广应用。

【Abstract】 Objective To sdudy the clinical evaluation of diagnosing the passability by utilizing sonosalpingography of physiological saline and transvaginal ultrasonography infertile women.Methods The liquid complex was injected into the uterine cavity of the 284 infertile women. Hydrotubation were performed under the quid of B-mode ultrasongraphy. The following contents were observed: The ovduct internal diameter, shape, flowing speed of gas and liquid, seperated width of darkened liquid shadow of uterine cavity. Amount of liquid around the dnexa and uterus, injecting resistance and pationts’feeling ect. Results 284 pationts were observed: 35 cases with one side partially passable and the other side smoothly passable, 24 cases with one side passable and the other side impassable, 97 cases with both sides passable, 28cases with both sides impassable, 36 cases with one side impassable and the other side partially passable , 64 cases with both sides partially passable, 87 cases were pregnant 4 year after the operation. Conclusions Under the guid of the B-mode ultrasonographyhydrotubation is useful in diagnosis and treatment in infertile women. This method takes the advantages of accuracy, security, easy operation and practical . It should be the first choice in tube passable test of Infertility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】R711.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】141

