

The Study of the Variation in Flower and Growth Character of Pogonatherum Paniceum

【作者】 黄霖

【导师】 王海洋; 李名扬;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 植物学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 金发草是禾本科的一种多年生草本植物,多生长于岩石表面、滑坡裸地等其他植物难以定居发展的恶劣生态环境中,具有发达的根系,能够深入岩石汲取养分,在工程边坡护理、水土保持等方面有着广泛的应用前景。关于金发草的研究还很少。本实验研究了金发草的花部变异以及主要生态因子对其生长特性的影响,以期为金发草优良品系的选育及生态工程应用打下理论基础。 本研究共分为两部分,首先通过8个样地的金发草的取样调查,测定了发育的小花数目、发育雌蕊与退化雌蕊数目、发育雄蕊与退化雄蕊数目等性状,以并生小穗为单位,研究分析了金发草花部变异情况。研究结果如下: 1、8个样地中无柄小穗第一小花雄蕊缺失的范围为5%-85%,其中以龙居寺石灰岩的变化最大(85%);北温泉河滩的无柄小穗第一小花出现了雌蕊(30%);北温泉河滩和漕上黄壤的无柄小穗第二小花有15%没有雄蕊;有柄小穗雄蕊缺失的变化范围为20%-100%,其中,漕上黄壤的变化最大(100%)。以上变异主要出现在无柄小穗第一小花雄蕊和有柄小穗雄蕊两个小花部位,可能是这两个部位对环境变化比较敏感的的缘故。 2、对性比来说,其平均值变化范围为1.15-2.35,其中,青木关种群平均值最大,明显高于其他种群(p<0.05)。8个种群的变异系数的变化范围为15.6%-58.3%。根据性比作方差分析可分为如下三组:来凤阳坡、来凤阴坡、山二崖紫色土、北温泉河滩、山二崖黄色砂岩5个种群为一组;青木关为一组;龙居寺石灰岩与漕上黄壤为一组。 3、对退化雄蕊来说,其平均值变化范围为0.25-1.6,其中漕上黄壤的退化雄蕊最大,北温泉河边滩土的退化雄蕊最小。变异系数的范围非常大,为43.1%-244.2%,其中变异最大的两个样地分别是北温泉河边滩土,为177.7%、青木关为244.2%。其它的除了来凤阳坡之外,都大于50%。根据退化雄蕊作方差分析可分为如下三组:来凤阳坡、来凤阴坡、山二崖黄色砂岩、龙居寺石灰岩为一组;青木关、北温泉河滩为一组;山二崖紫色土、漕上黄壤为一组。 4、对于小花数目来说,其正常的小花数目应为3个,青木关,北温泉河边滩土,山二崖紫

【Abstract】 Pogonatherum paniceum is an herbage species of Graminaceae. It grows in rock, coast, bareness-terra etc that is difficult to grow for other plants. Its roots can assimilate nutrition from the deep of rock. So this plant species can be explicated in slope protection, water and soil holding. There is few research about Pogonatherum paniceum. This paper is about variation in flower and growth characteristic under different environment conditions, the results can establish theory base for Pogonatherum paniceum application.Firstly, we investigated flower variation of Pogonatherum paniceum in 8 plots and measured the number of floret, stamen and gynoecia. The results are fellow:1.1 The ratio of deficiency is 5%-85% in the first floret stamen of non-stem spikelet and the biggest deficiency in Longju-temple of lime-rock (85%). the first floret of non-stem spikelet appear pistil in north-thermal spring (30%). the second floret stamen of non-stem spikelet lose 15% in north-thermal spring and Caoshang yellow-soil. The ratio of deficiency is 20%-100% in the first floret stamen of stem spikelet and the largest deficiency is Caoshang yellow-soil (100%). On the basis of these observations,we conclude that the first floret stamen of non-stem spikelet and stamen of stem spikelet are sensitive for environment.1. 2 The range of average-value is 1.15-2.35 for sex ratio and the biggest is Qingmuguan(2.35). The range of Cv is 15.6%-58.3% in 8 plots. Results of ANOVA indicated that 8 plots were divided into three group, 1) Laifeng sun-shine slope, Laifeng shade-shine slope, Sanerya purple soil, north-thermal spring, Sanerya yellow sandstone, 2) Qingmuguan, 3) Longjushi-temple, Caoshang yellow-soil.1.3 The range of average-value is 0.25-1.6 for staminode and the biggest is Caoshang yellow-soil and the smallest is north-thermal spring. The range of Cv is from 43.1% to 244.2%, The biggest Cv appear in north-thermal spring( 177.7%) and Qingmuguan(244.2%).Others exceed 50% except for Laifeng sun-shine slope, Results of ANOVA indicated that 8 plots could be divided into three groups, l)Laifeng sun-shine slope, Laifeng shade-shade slope, Sanerya yellow sandstone, Longjushi-temple,2) Qingmuguan, north-thermal spring,3) Sanerya purple soil, Caoshang

  • 【分类号】Q944
  • 【下载频次】66

