

Study on Mechanism and Process of Extracting Effectual Component from the Plant by Two-Step of Release and Internal Boiling

【作者】 赵钟兴

【导师】 韦藤幼;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 林产化学加工工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 在中医药的现代发展史中,中草药的提取生产过程在我国己有很悠久的历史,但是还普遍存在着生产工艺落后,提取得率低等问题。为了提高有效成分的收率,降低生产成本,应当利用中草药的提取过程进行深入的研究和分析。为此,通过对其机理研究,探索其过程,合理制定提取工艺是一个重要课题。 本文提出了解吸-内部沸腾两步提取法,该法是先将植物干物料粉碎,再加入一定量的解吸剂,等充分浸润后再加入沸腾的溶剂提取,过滤分离,提取两次。用该提取法对金银花、银杏叶、肉桂皮和黄连的有效成分进行了提取,同时做了传统法实验与之比较,结果表明该方法与传统回流提取法相比不仅可以大量缩短提取时间,减少有机溶剂的消耗,还提高了提取液和浸膏中有效成分的含量。效果显著,具有良好的应用前景。此外还与文献中的微波预处理提取方法进行了比较,获得了与它相似的提取效果,但却节省了提取设备,更易于实现产业化。 为了对两步法深入了解,本文对提取机理进行了研究,通过改变提取温度来观察提取效果,发现提取温度在解吸剂沸点附近时提取速率有一个突变,因而提出了孔内沸腾传质机理,即通过加入沸腾的热溶剂使预先进入植物细胞内部的解吸剂沸腾汽化,汽化产生的内部汽液对流,夹带有效成分快速离开植物组织的过程,从而加速了提取速

【Abstract】 In the phylogeny of Chinese traditional medicine, application of its extraction had a long history in our country, but many problems weren’t solved such as old-dated extraction process, low extraction rate and so on. In order to increase ratio of effectual component in extraction succus and decrease production cost, it was necessary to apply modern techniques to research and analyze its extraction process.This paper put forward the extraction method of the two-step of release and internal evaporation of liquid. In Two-step, first, the plant was put into little releasable solvent. And then, after the effectual component in these materials was desorbed by releasable solvent adequately, boiling extraction solvent was added. The boiling extraction solvent was filtrated and separated and then the same process was undertaken to the sedimentation. The result showed that compared with extraction of traditional one, effectual component of Flos Lonicerae, Ginkgo biloba, Chinese cinnamon and Rhizoma Coptidis were extracted by this method, it had many advantages: the extraction time was shorter, the consumption of organic solvent was lower and the content of effectual component was higher and so on. Furthermore, compared with modern extracting methods such as microwave extracting method, this method obtained same extraction effect, but it reduced the equipments of extraction. Moreover, this method was easier to undertake in factory, so it had a good future in industrial application.In order to understand Two-step thoroughly, extraction temperature was changed to observe the effect of extraction. This paper studied the mechanism of Two-step extraction method. When temperature was around boiling point ofreleasable solvent, the extraction ratio had a break, and then the mechanism of internal evaporation of liquid was put forward. This method was that, when boiling hot solvent was poured into plant materials that was desorbed by releasable solvent, the releasable solvent inner the plant boiled before the diffusion of releasable solvent, the boiling caused inner convection and made effectual component to be extracted quickly out of the plant. As a result, the extraction speed quickened. By observing the phenomena in the process of the experiment, the bubble was produced inside the inner grain and then it lightened the density of the grain and slowed down sedimentation velocity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 05期
  • 【分类号】TQ464
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】194

