

On the Formation of Uighur Drama and the Artistic Achievement of 《Airef and Synime》

【作者】 韩芸霞

【导师】 刘文峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 少数民族戏曲研究, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆的戏剧艺术具有悠久的历史,各个民族在自己传统文化的基础上创造了独具艺术特色与风格的民族戏剧,按其艺术形式和体裁划分有歌剧、舞剧和地方戏曲,以民族特点和地域划分则有维吾尔剧、哈萨克剧、锡伯剧以及从我国内地传入新疆的曲子戏和其它地方戏曲。 在维吾尔语中,戏剧被称为“窝云”,其寓意为游戏,借指戏剧。维吾尔剧的音乐唱腔以维吾尔族民间歌曲、民间说唱音乐、民间歌舞音乐及大型古典套曲《十二木卡姆》等各类传统音乐作为主要素材。木卡姆中的“达斯坦”(叙事组歌)、维吾尔族的说唱文学和叙事长诗中讲述的许多爱情故事以及“麦西莱甫”和民间娱乐活动中的戏剧成分,经过长期孕育,自然地形成、发展成为“维吾尔剧”这一地方剧种。 维吾尔剧是地方戏曲剧种,其艺术形式以民族音乐、歌舞为主,兼容有诗歌、宾白等表演艺术,音乐曲调大多采用维吾尔族传统古典音乐《十二木卡姆》和民间歌曲、乐曲,借鉴了维吾尔民间文艺娱乐形式“麦西莱甫”及我国兄弟民族歌舞戏剧的表演形式,维吾尔剧的剧目大多由维吾尔族和中亚地区的民间传说故事和叙事长诗所改编,具有鲜明的民族特点,诗、歌、舞、戏融为一炉,其代表作有《艾里甫与赛乃姆》、《帕尔哈特与西琳》、《莱丽与麦吉侬》等,《艾里甫与赛乃姆》原是一个古老的维吾尔民间传说。大约在十五世纪初,经维吾尔诗人玉素甫·阿吉写成叙事长诗,在麦西莱甫歌舞聚会上配以十二木卡姆进行演出,1936年,《艾里甫与赛乃姆》的故事被改编为剧本在伊犁上演,后经过许多作家、戏剧家的加工润色,木卡姆音乐和民间乐曲的完美配合,使得这出戏剧久演不衰,日趋成熟,成为维吾尔剧的经典性剧目,它的出现,对于维吾尔剧的形成和完善,及今后维吾尔剧的持续发展都起了深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The drama art in Xinjiang, haw a long history, Each nation created its drama with unique artistic characteristics and styles based on its traditional culture. According to form and genre, the drama is divided into opera, dance drama and local drama. If distingue by national feature and region, I key are Uighur opera, Kazak opera, Sibo opera, melody opera and other local opera from the other pants of China.In Uighur language, drama is called Woyum referencing to game. Melodies for the singing part in a Uighur drama, originates from Uighur follcsongs,folk rap music, folk song-dance music and Maqam. Uighur drama is developable from Tartsztam, rap literature, love stories in narrative poems, madly life and folk entertainment.Uighur drama including poetry, spoken parts in an opera is a local drama in form of national music, song and dance. The melody mainly adapts traditional Uighur classical music, drawing on the experience of many life in addition to long and dance drama.Most of the Uyger drama peculiar to the nation. Have been adapted from folk stories and narrative poems among Uighurs and in the mid-Asian area. And combined with poems, song, dance and drama. The masterworks are 《Airef and Synime》 《Lyli and Miji long》 and《SherUin》 .About at the beginning of the 15th century,Yusufu,Aji a Uighur poet wrote a narrative poem based on 《Airef and Synime》 -an ancient Uighur folk story and it was professed together with sets of Maqam at many life song and dance party. In 1936 《Airef and Synime》 was adapted to a play and performed in Yili. Later on, it became a dissocial drama through improvement by writers and play writers and it hao are intensive influence on the formation and improvement of Uyger drama.

【关键词】 新疆维吾尔剧艾里甫与赛乃姆
【Key words】 XinjiangUyger《Airef and Synime》
  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】329

