

Effect of Diet Supplemented with Isoflavonic Phytoestrogrns on the Growth Performance and Thyroid Hormones in Chickens

【作者】 侯宗梅

【导师】 王国杰; 韩正康;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以雏鸡为研究对象,进行了添喂异黄酮植物雌激素(HK90、HK99、HK03和HK04)对雏鸡生长性能影响的研究。主要研究异黄酮植物雌激素对21日龄和35日龄雏鸡生长性能及甲状腺激素水平的影响,以探讨异黄酮植物雌激素对雏鸡的作用机理,为异黄酮植物雌激素在畜牧业生产应用提供一定的理论依据。 1.日粮中添加异黄酮植物雌激素对7-21日龄雏鸡生长性能研究初探 选用7日龄健康雄性雏鸡120只,按初始体重随机分为五组:基础日粮对照组(CON组)、添加5mg/kgHK90组(HK90组)、添加5mg/kgHK99组(HK99组)、添加5mg/kgHK03组(HK03组)、添加5mg/kgHK04组(HK04组)。试验期持续2周。与对照组相比,HK90组、HK99组、HK03组和HK04组料重比有下降的趋势,采食量、日增重、总增重有增加的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验组雏鸡鸡冠、睾丸、肝脏等组织的重量较对照组有增加的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05);试验组雏鸡腿肌重量分别较对照组增加了9.88%(P<0.05)、6.89%(P>0.05)、7.49%(P=0.08)和7.49%(P=0.06):腿的重量分别较对照组增加了1519%(P<0.05)、11.79%(P=0.06)、15.42%(P<0.05)和16.78%(P<0.01)。 2.日粮中添加异黄酮植物雌激素对雏鸡生长性能及骨代谢的影响 第一部分 选用7日龄健康雄性雏鸡160只,试验分组同第一章第一部分,试验期持续4周。结果表明,与对照组相比,21日龄时,HK90组、HK99组、HK03组和HK04组每g肌组织RNA含量显著升高(P<0.01),分别较对照组升高了10.98%、12.38%、7.97%和9.04%,总RNA含量分别较对照组提高了23.71%(P<0.05)、16.05%(P>0.05)、21.46%(P<0.05)和28.88%(P<0.05),而DNA含量及总DNA含量无显著变化;35日龄时,每g肌组织中RNA含量较对照组显著提高(P<0.05),分别较对照组提高9.09%、8.91%、7.81%、8.00%,而总RNA含量有升高趋势,与对照组差异不显著,DNA含量无显著变化,而总DNA含量有升高的趋势。21日龄时,血清尿酸含量较对照组下降了16.50%(P<0.05)、16.16%(P<0.05)、15.02%(P<0.05)和21.48%(P<0.01);35日龄时,较对照组减少了9.07%、19.38%、6.14%和17.79%,与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。 第二部分 血清样品来自第一部分各组雏鸡。结果表明,21日龄时,与对照组相比,

【Abstract】 The effect of isoflavonic phytoestrogens on the growth performance in young chickens and involved thyroid hormones were studied in this study.1. Effect of Diet Supplemented with Isoflavonic phytoestrogens on the Growth Performance in 21-day-old Chickens120 7-day-old male chickens were randomized into 5 groups: basal diet(Con group),basal diet plus 5mg/kg HK90(HK90 group), basal diet plus 5mg/kg HK99(HK99 group), basal diet plus 5mg/kg HKO3(HKO3 group), basal diet plus 5mg/kg HK04(HK04group). Compared with control,the experiment groups increased chickens body weight gain per day,the conversion rate. Compared with control,the experiment groups’tissue weight gains had the tendency of increase,but there were no significant difference;the weight of experiment groups’muscle increased by 9.88 % (P<0.05 )、 6.89 % (P>0.05)、 7.49% (P=0.08) and 7.49% (P=0.06) respectively;the weight of experiment groups’ thigh increased by 15.19%(P<0.05)、 11.79%(P=0.06)、 15.42%(P<0.05) and 16.782. Effect of Diet Supplemented with Isoflavonic phytoestrogens on the Growth Performance and the Metabolism of Bone in ChickensPart 1 160 7-day-old male chickens were randomized into 5 groups as chapter 1 part 1.The results indicated were as follows. When they were 21 days old, compared with control, the content of RNA level in per gramme chickens’ muscle were increased significantly(P<0.01),increased by 10.98%,12.38%,7.97% and 9.04% respectively in the four experiment groups,the total RNA increased by 23.71%(P<0.05), 16.05%(P>0.05), 21.46% (P<0.05)and 28.88%(P<0.05),but the content of DNA and the total DNA were nosignificant difference.The serum uric acid concentration of experiment groups were decreased by 16.50%(P<0.05),16.16%(P<0.05),15.02%(P<0.05) and 21.48%(P<0.01), significantly. When they were 35 days old, compared with control,the content of RNA level in per gramme chickens’ muscle were increased significantly(P<0.05),increased by 9.09%, 8.91%,7.81% and 8.00%,the total RNA had the tendency of increase,the content of DNA were similar with control and the total DNA had the tendency of increase. The serum uric acid concentration of experiment groups were decreased by 9.07%, 19.38%,6.14% and 17.79%,but there were no significant difference with control(P>0.05). Part 2 The serum samples came from part 1. When they were 21 days old, compared with control, inorganic phosphorus level were increased by 65.41%(P<0.01), 35.14%(P<0.05), 68.65%(P<0.01) and 94.59%(P<0.01) ,significantly, HK90 group’ serum BGP level were increased by 41.53%(P<0.01),the other groups’ serum BGP level had the tendency of increase(P>0.05),the AKP activity had the tendency of increase and the calcium level had no significant difference. When they were 35 days old, compared with control,HK99 group’ serum calcium level were decreased by 11.19%(P<0.05),HK04 group’ inorganic phosphorus were increased by 9.72%(P<0.05),HK99 and HK03 groups’ AKP activity were increased by 136.41%(P<0.01) and 108.28%(P<0.01),the other groups’ calcium level had the tendency of decrease and inorganic phosphorus,BGP,AKP had the tendency of increase(P>0.05).3. Effect of Diet Supplemented with Isoflavonic phytoestrogens on the Thyroid HormonesThe serum samples came from chapter 2 part l.T3,T4,FT3,FT4 and T were analyzed by radio immunoassay(RIA).When they were 21 days old,compared with control,the serum T3 level were decreased by 19.34%(P<0.05),23.36%(P<0.01),41.24%(P<0.01) and 39.05% (P<0.01) respectively, HK99 group’ serum T4 level were increased by 26.91%(P<0.05), HK04 group’ serum free T3 level were increased by 46.43%(P<0.01),the other groups’ T4 free T3 and free T4 had the tendency of increase(P>0.05).When they were 35 days old, compared with control HK03 and HK04 groups’ serum T3 level were decreased by 30.16%(P<0.01) and 22.22%(P<0.05),HK90 group’ serum free T3 level were increased by 62.82%(P<0.01),the other groups’ serum T3 had the tendency of decrease and free T3 level had the tendency of increase(P>0.05);compared with control.the experiment groups’ T4 level had the tendency of increase(P>0.05).

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】2
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