

Esperimental Study of Mixed and Active Desulfurizing Agents on CFBA

【作者】 徐亮

【导师】 张承中;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了以生石灰、电厂废料粉煤灰、烧结机头除尘灰等原料通过物理混合及活化手段制备适用于CFBA装置的新型脱硫剂。其中生石灰为吸收剂,而电厂废料粉煤灰、烧结机头除尘灰为添加剂。 以混合方式制备的脱硫剂称之为混合型脱硫剂。三种混合脱硫剂A、B、C均为生石灰与不同添加剂简单混合制得。试验结果表明,添加剂的确可以增加CaO利用率,尤其是添加含氧化铁的机头灰脱硫效果最为明显。添加机头灰的B脱硫剂组与添加粉煤灰的A脱硫剂对照组比较,氧化钙利用率平均提高近38%。说明钢厂就地取材的机头灰是一种优秀的脱硫添加剂,将其用于烧结机烟气脱硫能充分体现以废治废、循环利用的原则。 以活化方式制备的脱硫剂称为活化型脱硫剂。活化脱硫剂D、E、F为生石灰与粉煤灰添加剂经水合、水合加蒸汽活化、直接蒸汽活化三种方法分别制成的活化型脱硫剂,其中尤其以脱硫剂D、E的制备方式最为复杂。试验表明,高温活化对于CaO利用率提高贡献极大,低温水合基本没有生成大量高活性的硅钙中间体,表现为脱硫剂D的CaO利用率较脱硫剂A提高不大。而经蒸汽活化过的脱硫剂F较水合脱硫剂D的CaO利用率提高近50%。表明蒸汽活化方法具有很好的应用前景。 本文还进行了CFBA装置的运行参数试验和腐蚀试验研究。结果表明:70-110kg/m~2床重可作为CFBA系统适宜床重范围,而流化床压力降又与床重成正比关系;采用脱硫剂F的连续性试验在Ca/S=1.3时脱硫率大于80%;流化床塔体金属腐蚀速度约6.51mg/dm~2·d,腐蚀深度约300 μm/a,不足湿法脱硫设备平均腐蚀深度的四分之一。 这些成果对于烧结机烟气CFBA脱硫装置工业化运行提供了新型脱硫剂和操作参数。

【Abstract】 This paper selects calces ,coke breeze and sinter ash etc. as material which were mixed and experienced activation, in the end, getting a new desulfurizing agents on CFBA. Desulfurizing agent is calces,and additives agents are coke breeze and sinter ash.As far as desulfurizing agents are concerned,when they are mixed they are called mixture desulfurizing agents.There are three kinds agents: A ,B , C. The experimental results indicate that additive can increase the usage efficiency of CaO.Fe2O3 is the best desulfurizing agent.Agent B is better in the usage efficiency of CaO than agent A, 38% higher. So the experiment gives a expected result.The Active Desulfurizing Agent is made by hydration method . Through hydration , steam and hydration steam methods produce three Active Desulfurizing Agent — D,E and F. The study shows that high temperature is benefit to increase the usage efficiency of CaO. Agent F by steam activation perform more efficiency of using CaO than agent D,approximately 49%. Therefore, we can see perfect prospect.In the CFBA’s rotten experiment, the study indicates that the erode velocity of metal is about 6. 51mg/dm2 · d and the erode depth is 300μm/a.The experimental results provide reference to CFBA.

  • 【分类号】X701.3
  • 【下载频次】99

