

Research and Development of Geographic Information Exchange and Share System

【作者】 李连伟

【导师】 张超;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 21世纪是一个信息化时代。为提高信息化水平,不少国家和地区都在进行“数字城市”建设。在“数字城市”建设过程中,各条线部门建设的系统间存在数据来源和数据模型等的差异,相互协作的可能性小,形成“信息孤岛”现象。因此在“数字城市”建设中起核心作用的城市地理信息系统面临着对不同来源不同数据组织形式的地理信息进行有效管理和综合应用的难点。因此城市地理信息系统建设中的地理信息交换共享是当今地理信息系统应用研究中的热点问题。地理信息交换共享已经成为现代信息社会发展的一个重要标志,必将成为21世纪地理信息系统研究领域的一个重要组成部分。 论文以课题“静安区地理信息交换共享系统开发”为实例支撑,对地理信息交换共享系统建设的理论与技术基础、关键技术和地理信息交换共享系统的功能模块、系统架构、系统的具体开发进行了全面的研究,并将系统进行了具体应用。 论文共分七章。第一章是“绪论”。阐述了当前城市地理信息系统发展面临的挑战;阐述了进行地理信息交换共享研究的意义;论述了国内外对地理信息交换共享方面的研究状况。第二章是“地理信息交换共享系统建设的理论与技术基础”。阐述了地理信息交换共享中的影响因素、标准化、技术支撑体系和相关政策。第三章是“地理信息交换共享系统建设的关键技术”。阐述了构建系统的关键技术,主要包括网络地理信息系统(Web GIS)技术、空间数据组织与管理技术、网络服务(Web Service)技术和组件(Component)技术等。第四章是“地理信息交换共享系统设计”。阐述了系统设计的目标和功能;通过对比分析J2EE体系结构和.NET体系结构,设计了基于J2EE体系结构的系统架构。第五章是“地理信息交换共享系统开发”。本章主要进行系统功能模块的具体开发,包括基于数据库连接池的地图注册服务模块开发、基于JspSmartUpload包的地图上传服务模块开发、地图入库服务模块开发、基于网络地图服务(IMS)的地图发布服务模块和订阅下载服务模块开发。第六章是“地理信息交换共享系统应用——静安区地理信息交换共享系统”。描述了系统在静安区综合平台上具体运行情况。第七章是“结论与展望”。对研究工作进行了总结,阐述了论文取得的研究成果,并提出了今后进一步研究的方向。 论文有以下研究成果:①结合网络地理信息系统(Web GIS)、空间数据组织与管理、网络服务(Web Service)、组件(Component)技术与J2EE体系结构设计了地理信息交换共享系统架构;②研究设计了基本元数据标准表;③从技术的角度,采用数据库连接池技术解决了已有数据库操纵方法的不足,对网络环境下地理信息上传、入库和下载等技术提出了切实可行的解决思路和方法。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is a highly informational era. In order to improve the informational level, a number of countries and districts are constructing "Digital City". In the process of constructing "Digital City", there are all kinds of different data resources and different data models which every department must be face with. Along with the slim possibility of cooperation, the phenomenon of "information isolated island" has been emerged. As the central part of "Digital City", Urban Geographic Information System (UGIS) confronts the difficulty of managing both different data resources and different data models. So the geographic information exchange and share in the constructing of Urban Geographic Information System is the focus of the current Geographic Information System application research area. Geographic information exchange and share are an important symbol of the modern information society, and will become an important research direction about GIS in 21st century.Based on a case study of "Jing’an Geographic Information Exchange and Share System", the paper is mainly on the comprehensive study of foundation of theory and technology, key techniques, function model, system construction and system development. Now the system has run in the Information Center of Jing’an district.The thesis totally is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is "Introduction". It firstly introduces the challenge of Urban Geographic Information System, and then presents the significance of geographic information exchange and share. In the end of chapter, the author analyzes the application status of geographic information exchange and share with the perspective in nation and abroad. Chapter 2 is "the foundation of theory and technology in constructing geography information exchange and share system". In this chapter, the author expatiates the influence factors, standardization, technology support system and correlative policy in geographic information share. Chapter 3 is "key techniques of constructing geographic information exchange and share system". It mainly introduces the key techniques like Web GIS, Spatial Data Organization and Management, Web Service, Component and so on. Chapter 4 is "the design of geographic information exchange and share system". It firstly introduces goals and functions of the system, and then analyzes the structure of J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) and the structure of .NET. In the end of this chapter, the author designs a frame of system based on J2EE. Chapter 5 is "the development of geographic information exchange and share system". It mainly introduces the development of function models, like the development of registering based ondatabase connection, the development of uploading based on JspSmartUpload, the development of spatial data storing into database, and the development of spatial data and metadata display and downloading based on Internet Map Service (IMS). Chapter 6 is "the application of geographic information exchange and share system-Jing’an geographic information exchange and share system". It mainly describes the running condition of system on GIS platform in the Information Center of Jing’an district. Chapter 7 is "conclusion and expectation". It firstly concludes the whole research, and then describes the production. In the end of this chapter, the author brings forward the futher research direction at next step.Achievements in the paper are summarized as following:①Designs the frame of geographic information exchange and share system based on many advanced information technology, such as Web GIS, Spatial Data Organizing and Management, Web Service and Component with J2EE.②Designs a table of essential metadata standard based on researching.(3)Puts forward the technique of database connection in order to resolve the shortage of primary database link method. Particularly the author studies some of key techniques in GIS, such as geographic information upload, spatial data store into database, spatial data and metadata download and many other techniques.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】381

