

Relationship between Nitrogen Uptake & Utilization and Important Agronomic Characters in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

【作者】 王海候

【导师】 单玉华;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 植物营养学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验在群体水培条件下,于2002、2003年度分别选用特青×Lemont F2代138个株系组成的无性系群体和不同年代、不同产地育成的33个水稻品种(品系)组成的群体为供试材料,研究了水稻的含氮率、吸氮量、吸氮速率、氮素干物质生产效率、氮素籽粒生产效率及氮素收获指数等氮素营养性状与稻株重要农艺性状(包括籽粒产量、株高、库容、生育期及根系形态生理性状)的关系,以期为阐明水稻农艺性状的改良与变迁对氮素营养性状的影响及氮素高效利用水稻种质资源筛选及品种选育提供依据。主要研究结果如下: (1)籽粒产量对稻株抽穗期含氮率无显著影响,但与稻株成熟期含氮率关系密切,产量越高,稻株成熟期含氮率越低。产量对稻株吸氮量存在极显著影响,产量越高吸氮量越大,产量对穗部吸氮量的影响是导致不同产量水平稻株吸氮量差异的最主要原因。产量对水稻的吸氮速率存在极显著影响,产量越高,水稻的吸氮速率越大。产量与氮素干物质生产效率关系不密切,但对氮素籽粒生产效率存在极显著影响,产量越高,氮素籽粒生产效率越大。 (2)矮秆水稻各器官含氮率高于高秆水稻含氮率:除抽穗期根系外,其它各器官吸氮量均随着株高的增加而显著提高;抽穗前水稻全株吸氮量随着株高的增加而显著提高,而抽穗后稻株吸氮量平均值为中秆>高秆>矮秆。株高增加,稻株氮素吸收速率显著提高。矮秆水稻氮素干物质生产效率最低,中高秆水稻无明显差异。株高与氮素籽粒生产效率关系密切,各株高类型水稻氮素籽粒生产效率平均值为:中秆>高秆>矮秆。株高对稻株氮素收获指数无显著影响。 (3)稻株抽穗期、成熟期含氮率与生育期长短关系密切,抽穗期稻株含氮率以短生育期水稻最大、长生育期水稻其次、中等生育期水稻最低。生育期越长,成熟期稻株含氮率越高。生育期短的水稻抽穗后吸氮量最少,但穗部氮素累积量最多,而生育期长的水稻抽穗后吸氮量最多,但穗部氮素累积量较少。水稻的氮素干物质生产效率与生育期关系密切,短生育期水稻抽穗期氮素干物质生产效率最低,但其

【Abstract】 A F2 asexual population including 138 lines, derived from TeqingxLemont, and a population with 33 Indica varieties from both domestic and abroad was hydroponically cultured in 2002 and 2003, respectively, to investigate the relationship between nitrogen nutritional traits and other important agronomic characters in rice. The experiment was carried out in rice research center of Yangzhou University. We sampled rice plants at different rice growth stages and measured nitrogen nutrition related traits including nitrogen concentration (NC), nitrogen accumulation (NA), nitrogen absorbing rate (NAR), nitrogen use efficiency for biomass production (NUEp), nitrogen use efficiency for grain output (NUEg), nitrogen harvest index (NHI) and important agronomic characters including grain yield, plant height, sink potential, growth duration and the morphological and physiological indexes of rice root system. The relation between nitrogen nutritional traits and the important agronomic characters in tested rice population was systematically analyzed in this study with the purpose of providing valuable bases for selection and genetic improvements of rice varieties with higher nitrogen use efficiency which is of economic and environmental importance in current rice production. Result showed as follows:(1) Grain yield had no influence on NC in rice plant at heading but significantly affected NC at maturity, and NC decreased at maturity, as grain yield increased. Close relationship between NA & NAR and yield was found in this study, higher yield significantly enhanced the NA and NAR. The effect of yield on NA in panicle was the main cause of the difference of NA in rice plant. The NUEp of rice at heading andmaturity were not closely related to yield, while the NUEg increased significantly as yield increased.(2) NC of different organs in dwarf rice was higher than that of long-stalked rice lines or varieties. Excepting the root at heading, NA of different organs at heading and maturity significantly increased as the plant height enhanced. Before heading, NA of rice plant significantly increased as the plant height enhanced, while after heading, NA in middle-stalked rice ranked the highest, followed by long-stalked rice, dwarf rice. Rice materials with higher plant height had higher NAR. NUEp of dwarf rice was the lowest, while difference between middle-stalked and long-stalked rice was not significant. Close relationship between NUEg and plant height was found in this study, NUEg in middle-stalked rice ranked the highest, followed by long-stalked rice, dwarf rice. NHI in rice plant was not significantly affected by plant height.(3) Close relationship was found between NC in rice plant and growth duration at heading and maturity. NC at heading in shorter-growth duration rice was the highest, followed by longer-growth duration rice, middle-growth duration rice, while NC at maturity in rice plant increased significantly as the growth duration prolonged. After heading, the shorter growth duration rice absorbed lowest nitrogen but NA in panicle was the most, while the longer growth duration rice was reversed. NUEp in rice plant was closely related to growth duration, NUEp in rice with shorter growth duration was the lowest at heading, but it was higher than that in rice with longer growth duration rice at maturity. The biomass production rate in shorter growth duration was highest at heading and maturity. The influence of growth period on NUEg and NHI were significant, the NUEg, nitrogen transportation efficiency (NTE), distribution percentages of nitrogen in spike, NHI decreased as the growth duration prolonged after heading.(4) Close relationship between NC in rice plant and sink potentials was found at maturity, NC in rice plant decreased as sink potentials increased, while effect of sink potential on NC in rice plant at heading was not significant. NA was positively correlated to sink potentials at heading and maturity, except NA at heading in 2002. NA increased as sink potentials increased. Average NA in vegetative organs such as root, st

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 05期
  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】440

