

A Wireless Measurement and Control System Based on μC/OS-Ⅱ

【作者】 何静

【导师】 王志刚;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 物理电子学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和通信技术的发展,计算机测控系统变得越来越复杂,工业现场的微处理器往往同时运行包括数据采集、数据传输、设备控制在内的多个任务,这种情况下,在微处理器中移植一个嵌入式操作系统就显得非常必要。本课题选用μC/OS-Ⅱ作为植入的操作系统,对系统内核进行了合理地剪裁,使其体积减小到几K,并将裁剪后的内核移植到SPCE061A微控制器中。研究过程中查阅大量资料,未发现在该单片机上移植μC/OS-Ⅱ的实例,因此,课题编写了移植程序,用来完成μC/OS-Ⅱ在SPCE061A中的移植。通过测试,移植后的操作系统实现了任务调度、任务间通信及时间管理,证明移植成功,课题还在μC/OS-Ⅱ平台下,编写了应用程序,建立接收任务和发送任务,实现异步串行通信。通过移植μC/OS-Ⅱ,系统更加灵活地分配系统资源(中央处理器、存储器等),简化了复杂的应用软件设计,为嵌入式系统在工控领域的应用做了必要准备。以植入μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统的SPCE061A微控制器为基础,课题构建了一个无线测控系统。其中,以SPCE061A为从机,管理现场的数据采集并接收控制中心发送的控制信号。以研华6179型工控机为主机,控制整个系统的运行。主机程序采用Visual C++编写,利用MSComm控件实现对主机串口的控制。以ADAM4550模块作为无线通信设备,实现二者之间的无线通信。在此基础上,文章从理论上分析了实时性的提高及代码优化问题,提出了系统改进建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer and communication technology, computer meaturement and control system is becoming more and more complicated. Microprocessors in industrial scenes often operate sevral tasks including data acquisition, data transmission, equipment control at the same time. In this case, it is very necessary to transplant an embedded operating system at microprocessors.This paper selects uC/OS-II to transplant. On the basis of understanding, paper cuts the core volume to serval hundred bits, and transplants it at SPCE061A single-chip computer. There is no example on transplantion at SPCE061A, so the paper writes procedures to implement the transplantion. Test proves that it is successful to transplant. The paper creats two tasks to implement asynchronous serial communication. Transplanting μC/OS-Ⅱ at microprocessors in the industrial scene improves the real-time character and dependability. Embedded real-time operating system is beneficial to more complicated problem too.This paper studies a wireless meatruement and control system based on SPCE061A. The system is composed of 6179 industrial computer, SPCE061A one-chip computer and radio modem modules. Among them, One-chip computers gather data and receive the commands from host-computer. Industrial computer works as control centre. The paper selects Visual C++ to programme procedure and uses MSComm to realize serial communication. Radio modem modules connect the two parts. The achievements of this paper have important practical and realistic significance.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】222

