

【作者】 刘兴晖

【导师】 谢飘云;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 郑文焯寓居苏州近四十年,吴中地域文化深深影响了郑文焯的词学观和词创作风格。他在宗派林立的清代词论中,注重学养与天分的自然融合,提出骨气说,力图调和常州和浙西词派之争。其声律说“在声不在韵”,强调音声的自然合乐,为复古乐寻求蹊径。作为客籍文人,词中对吴地风物描写较多,异地他乡的漂泊之感和羁旅之思成为他词中的主要意绪。词人在出世与入世之间寻求内心的平静,苏州园林成为他隐居的桃源,幕友之间的唱酬切磋构成其诗友交游的主要部分;词中所营构的萧散疏宕之词境是郑文焯对所处之境的内心折射和体认;这些都构成郑词语汇和著意的凄清之感和隽逸冲远的词风。郑文焯是晚清四大词人之一,其词也表现出由词人之词向学人之词的有意识强化和转变,大量考据和词学研究内容在词中出现,抒情性的淡化和纪实性的凸现使得学人之词日趋案头化,这种倾向又在词社的群体创作中进一步普及。郑文焯的词学研究和词作风格转向在晚清颇有代表性,与清词中兴及晚清词的最终衰落不无关系。晚清词向学人之词的过渡,也预示着词衰落命运的必然,郑文焯之词一定程度上显示出这种趋势。 本文第一部分,对郑文焯的诗词创作做一简要介绍,顺及对郑文焯生平事迹的勾勒:第二部分,分析郑文焯的词论中的两个主要观点:骨气说和音律说:第三部分,把郑文焯词境分为三类,即流寓词、园林词和幕府中的词创作;第四部分结合郑词中的语汇使用及叙事性的补充,对其风格特色作一评价;第五部分以郑文焯及其词作为例,从观念、内容、组织形式方面等分析晚清词由盛而衰的必然。

【Abstract】 ZHENG Wen-zhuo’s theory and style of ci had been deeply affected by Regional culture of Wu, he resided in Suzhou nearly to fouty years where dispersal from his hometown, he had suggested "Gu qi" thory that pay attention to the harmony of knowledge and natural expression, he want to moderate the disputes between Changzhou and Zhexi group.He had his own understanding about how to unison the swing and natural tone of ci and want to find the new way to revive the ancient tone of ci. ZHENG always depicted the regional custom and cultural of Wu in his ci as he was not a native. The sentiment of extravagating and traveling was the two main idea and feeling in his ci,he keep the balance between stand aloof from worldly affairs and join in it for maintain equanimity of his inner word. As a result ,he dodged in the suzhou’s gardens as his paradise ,at the same time ,he had to affront the struggle which happened in the government office. These all influence the chilly and cleanness style of his glossary and meaning expression of ci. As one of the big four writer of Ci at the later Qing dynasty, the change of Zheng’s ci and his study of ci can represent the whole change trend of ci at that time.The main reason of prevailing of ci and eclipse of ci at the later Qing dynasty can resorted to the transform from ci of writer to ci poetry of scholar, just as sprung out of textual research and ci poetry learning, the choice of longer of the name of the tune and the longer title has enhance the narration of ci, but desalt of lyricism tone and the distinction of narratism made the ci-poetry of scholars gradually reading on the desk by given people rather than popular in the masses.And this trend had be enhance in the scholar through combo of ci-poetry. At last, the ci completed the transition as the ci-poetry of scholar. Also indicate that the phrase declines the destiny inevitable, ZHENG Wen-zhuo’s ci is from the certain degree up show this kind of trend.The chapter one of this thesis make synopsis of ZHENG Wen-zhuo’s ci and poem creations and a brief introduction of his biography. The chapter two analyzes Zheng’s two main standpoints within theories of ci: the theory of Gu qi and the theory of swing. The third chapter, make ZHENG Wen-zhuo’s ci-poetry divided into three types, that is: ci-poetry of dispersal, the ci of garden and the ci written close with the governor’s office.The chapter four evaluate special features of Zheng’s ci.The chapter five from the idea, contents, organized form and etc, analyse the inevitable progress of ci from prosperous to decline in the Qing dynasty.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】374

