

An Exact Analytical Solution of High-order Mode and Realization All-optical Switching and Logic Gating with Spatial Solitons in the Strong Nonlocal Media

【作者】 张霞萍

【导师】 郭旗;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 光学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 光束在非局域非线性介质中的传输满足非局域非线性薛定鄂方程(NNLSE)。对于强非局域介质,方程可以进一步简化成Snyder-Mitchen模型(一个新的线性模型)。本论文利用该线性模型研究了强非局域非线性介质中光束传输的高阶模孤子波的解析解,以及有小夹角入射的双高斯光束的演化规律,从而实现了全光开关,并作进一步推广到小夹角入射三光束的情况,由此实现了逻辑门。 本论文共分三章,主要内容如下: 第一章,介绍了近几年来强非局域介质中光束传输的理论研究,详尽地介绍了向列相液晶中光孤子传输方面所取得的进展。 第二章,在强非局域条件下简化了NNLSE,使得非线性问题线性化,利用简化的线性模型讨论1+D维(D=1,2)笛卡尔空间光束稳定传输的高阶模孤子波的解析解,即厄米高斯解。进一步讨论了(1+2)维柱坐标系下光束传输过程,得到了强非局域非线性空间中光束稳定传输的拉盖尔高斯型解。首次发现了强非局域非线性介质中存在圆环形光孤子 第三章,本章以(1+1)维线性模型为基础,讨论了由强非局域非线性介质构成的平面介质波导中双光束和三光束同向共同传输的相互作用过程,得到了斜入射双光束和三光束相互作用的精确解析解。强非局域空间光孤子的相互作用是其特殊情况。基于强非局域空间光孤子的相互作用原理,提出了实现光子开关,以及光子”同”和”或非”逻辑的新理论方案,并讨论这些基本光子信息处理器件的优化设计问题。 本论文的主要贡献是:利用光束传输的简化线性模型得到了强非局域介质中光束传输的高阶模孤子波的解析解,首次发现了强非局域非线性介质中存在圆环形光孤子。得到了斜入射双光束和三光束相互作用的精确解析解,并给出了该介质中有小夹角入射双光束实现全光开关的条件,对三光束实现光子”同”和”或非”逻辑门提出了新的理论方案。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the evolution of two and three co-propagating optical beams in the little obliquity from propagating axes , governed by the Snyder-Mitchell model (namely a new linear model), is discussed in the strong nonlocal media, and an exact analytical solution of higher-order mode to the single beam is obtained.The paper is organized as follows:Chapter 1, we present an overview of recent advances in the research of optical beam propagating in the strong nonolocal nonlinear media.Chapter 2, we simplify NNLSE to a new linear model under the condition of strong nonlocality and obtain the exact analytical solution of high-order mode for single beam propagating in it. It is found for the first time that the necklace-ring spatial soliton exists in the strong nonlocal media in the Cartesian coordinate , The exact analytical solutions with Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian forms are obtained.Chapter 3, Two and three co-propagating optical beams which are governed by Snyder-Mitchell mode with the same frequency and polarization in the 1+1D strong nonlocal media are discussed. An exact analytical solutions of two and three co-propagating optical beams in the little obliquity from propagating axes are obtained.The lately academic project of all-optical switching and logic gating are put forward , such as XNOR gating and NOR gating . Optimize of components to basic photo communication is involved in addition .The main achievement of the paper is that the exact analytical solutions with Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian forms are obtained. It is found for the first time that the necklace-ring spatial solitons exist in the strong nonlocal media An exact analytical solutions of two and three co-propagating optical beams in the little obliquity from propagating axes are obtained.The lately academic project of all-optical switching and logic gating are put forward .

  • 【分类号】O431.2
  • 【下载频次】139

