

Establishing a Object’s Numerical Model Using RE Technique

【作者】 尹洁林

【导师】 刘全坤;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 材料加工工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 总结了作者在课题“用逆向工程技术建立实物的数字化模型”中所做的工作,系统地阐述了数字化模型建立的整个过程。 论文介绍了逆向工程技术的概念、在国内外发展的状况以及主要应用领域,指出了研究逆向工程的重要意义;系统地介绍了逆向工程中的数据测量方法,包括接触测量中的三坐标测量仪法,非接触测量中的光栅法和激光三角法以及逐层扫描测量中的CT扫描与核磁共振法、自动断层扫描法,并总结了它们各自的优缺点及使用范围;比较了国际上流行的用于逆向工程的软件,引出本文所使用的两种软件Surfacer和UG,并对Surfacer作了较为详细的介绍;总结了曲面重构中用到的理论,包括各种自由曲线曲面的数学表达式以及由自由曲线生成自由曲面的常用方法;对逆向工程的后处理关键技术,包括点数据的定位、点云的特征提取和区域分割以及曲面的重构等从理论和实践两个方面作了详尽的阐述,尝试把BP神经网络引入到点云分类中来并验证了其可行性;最后给出了一个手机外壳点云实例的完整曲面重构过程并引入快速成形技术,用快速成形机将手机外壳加工出来,完成了手机外壳的三维反求全过程。

【Abstract】 This paper summarizes the author’s work in the study of "Establishing a Object’s Numerical Model using RE(Reverse Engineering) Technique" and systematically illustrates the whole process of establishing a numerical model.At first, the paper introduces the conception of RE technique, its development in the world and the main application, then points out the significant meaning of researching RE technique. Secondly, methods of data measure are explained in RE including three-dimensional measure machine method, raster method, laser triangle method, CT scan and NMR method and automatic section scan method. Advantages disadvantages and application areas of each method are showed simultaneously. Thirdly, two kinds of softwares Surfacer and UG used in the paper are educed after comparing the popular softwares throughout the world used in RE and Surfacer is emphasized. Theories used in surface reconstruction are summaried including mathematical expressions of different free curves and surfaces and general methods of surface building from curves. Critical techniques in the post treatment of RE including the registration of point data, feature extraction and region division of point clouds are expatiated in detail from theoretical and practical aspects. It deserves pointing out that the author has done further research in grouping point clouds. BP neural network is introduced to classify point clouds and it is proved to be a feasible method. Then an example of point clouds of mobile phone shell is given to show the whole process of surface reconstruction. At last, RP(Rapid prototyping) technique is introduced and the mobile phone shell is manufactured by the RP machine.

  • 【分类号】TB47
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】335

