

【作者】 张娟

【导师】 于天池;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 明清时期由于特殊的社会文化因素,女性文学和女性文化空前繁荣,出现了一大批女性作家和作品,明清女性文学成为中国文学史上一宗珍贵的遗产。其中,尤以弹词小说为盛。弹词文学最突出、最引人注目的特点就是它的优秀代表作品几乎都是出自女作家之手,并且它的传播也多在闺阁之间进行。清代是女性创作弹词小说的高峰期,涌现出了许多杰出的女性弹词作家和作品,这些女性作品不同于以往女性作家反复吟唱爱情婚姻的闺怨之作,它们塑造了全新的女性形象,建立起了女性叙事的传统,为中国女性文学史乃至整个中国文学史提供了不同以往的新的东西,以其卓绝的女性意识成为中国女性主义文学的滥觞。 但是,在很长的一段历史时期里,清代女性弹词小说却处于被埋没、贬低甚或误读的状况中。她们对中国文学传统所作出的贡献近代以来的文学史大多忽略了,这些作品一直被埋没在图书馆和收藏家的手中,除了特殊的研究者以外,几乎无人问津。造成这一状况的原因,除了弹词这一文体本身受歧视以外,父权制观照下的菲勒斯批评的压制是一个重要的因素。 二十世纪七八十年代以来,女性主义文学批评在中国兴起。在“寻找她们自己的文学”之思潮引领下,清代女性弹词小说的研究日渐兴盛,许多研究者都致力于为女性弹词小说正名,确立它们尤其是《再生缘》作为文学经典的地位。 从清代女性弹词小说最初的被埋没、忽视、误读到如今的逐渐被“经典化”这一过程,我们可以看到,在当今多元文化的冲击下,文学观念在不断演变,“文学经典论”也在不断重新商榷。而在确立和调整文学经典的过程中,权力准则与美学准则都发挥着各自的影响,但最基本的美学准则是不会改变的,只有在作品中反映了“世代的特色”,反映了“特属的人文世界”才能经得起时间的考验,最终成为经典。清代女性弹词小说尤其是《再生缘》真实地反映了它们所处世代的特征,真实地反映了明清才女的“人文世界”,当之无愧地能在中国古代的经典作品中占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 Women’s literature and Women’s culture were very flourish because of special society and culture factor during Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty. There were a lot of authoresses and women’s writings. Thereinto, Tanci fiction was the most flourish. Most of them were writed by athoresses and spreaded abroad by women. Qing dynasty was the fastigium that authoresses writed Tanci. These writings figured new women’s personality and build up women’s tradition about narrate. They became headstream of Chinese feminism literature because of unsurpassed female consciousness. However, in the long days, Literature history buride or neglected or mistake these writings. Patriarchy was one of the most important causes. From late of twenty century, feminism literature criticism springed up in China. The research about women’s Tanci fictions thrived step by step. Many scholars tried to drive up status of these writings and make them become sutra. From this process, we can realize concepts of literature evolve duratively and the theory about classic of literature discuss duratively because of impact of mulriple culture. During the course , both canon of literature and canon of potence bring into play theory about classic of literature, but the most basic canon of literature don’t change. Only glass the feature of age and peculiar culture world , the writings can stand for test of time and become classic. Women’s Tanci fictions in Qing dynasty glassed the feature of the age and peculiar women’s world turely, so they can become the literature classic.

  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】943

