

Simulation Research for Flight Liquid Height Based on the Object-Oriented Technology

【作者】 兰艳

【导师】 袁佑新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机仿真是现代设计与试验领域不可或缺的先进技术,同时也是动态、复杂系统设计与评估的重要手段。计算机建模与仿真技术,经过多年发展已形成了许多先进的理论和方法,广泛应用于国内外运载火箭系统研制中,发挥出巨大的经济效益。以计算机数学模型部分代替,甚至完全取代物理模型系统,进行仿真,可以大大地提高工作效率,缩短研制周期,节约经费。随着大型液体运载火箭研制中仿真技术应用的深入,国内火箭研制单位对功能强大的低温推进剂飞行液位仿真系统的需求越来越迫切。 本文针对现代先进仿真技术的要求,应用软件工程中面向对象的思想方法和模块化建模的理论,提出一种实时飞行液位仿真系统框架和用户仿真模型的设计方法,用于实现火箭液位系统的数字仿真。主要内容有: (1) 分析研究了面向对象技术的基本理论和设计方法,探讨了集建模-实验-分析于一体的一体化仿真系统的基本理论框架问题。 (2) 基于面向对象技术,用类的程序设计方法,开发出通用的实时仿真软件系统平台,用于实现火箭飞行液位系统数字仿真,为系统的开发、调试和数字算法及性能评估提供软件环境。平台基本功能接口齐全,易扩展,可重用;采用多层次结构,实现仿真系统与仿真模型的分离,允许用户根据需要,自行搭建仿真对象系统,设计仿真模型,进行仿真。 (3) 按照仿真软件的特点和系统要求,探讨了连续系统数学模型的表示和实现方法以及连续系统离散化方法,同时对液氢和液氧液位的数学模型做了详细推导,通过一定的优化处理得出仿真模型。 (4) 针对某型液体运载火箭的飞行液位数字仿真要求,结合工程应用的实际情况,按照本文提出的模块化设计方法,建立一套仿真数学模型库,这一模型库中包含了一般运载火箭液位系统和测试系统的主要模块。 总之,本系统利用面向对象的仿真建模技术,具有模块化、层次性、可重用、易维护等优点,在火箭系统的仿真工作中有着重要的实际意义和广泛的应用前景,可大大减轻设计人员的程序设计负担,而把精力集中到仿真系统的搭建和数学模型的精确设计上来。

【Abstract】 Computer Simulation is an advanced technique in the fields of design and test, and also an important way to test and evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic and intricate system. Over the past decades, computer modeling and simulation technology, have made a great advantage on different theories and methods, and been widely applied to the carrier rocker system design and manufacture. The benefits of computer simulation based on mathematical models, partly or even completely instead of physical models, are well understood: higher work efficiency, shorter development cycle, lower cost and more safety. And to meet the need of further research in the development of low temperature propellant system, the real-time flight simulation technology has become a hot focus, and the related functional simulation system is in urgent need in those rocket research departments.Considering the characters and requirement of the advanced simulation application, an integrated simulation system software frame, including a user model-design method, is studied in detail, The work is mainly carried out as following aspects:(1) The basic theory and. design method of the object-oriented technology, as well as the radical concept of modern advanced simulation technology, are analysed. After that, the basic theory of the integrated simulation system combined with modeling-experiment-analysis function is discussed.(2) Based on the object-oriented programming method, an integrated simulation system software is developed to simulate the whole real-time flight liquid height, and to provide a perfect software environment for the development, debug, digital algorithm test and performance evaluation of the on-board software. The basic function interfaces are complete, and easy to expand and reuse. Besides that, its hierarchy makes it easy to separate the user model subsystem from the simulating subsystem. This may allow the user to design his own simulation models, construct his own simulation object subsystem, and then add them into the system project, to realize the whole simulation process.(3) The method of how to express, realize and disperse the mathematical model of continuous system is discussed. And also the mathematical models of liquid oxygen and hydrogen are elaborated in details. After optimizing, the simulation models are gained.(4) Aiming at the requirement of the real-time simulation for some type of carried rocket, considering the current situation of simulation application, a simulation model library of the carried rocket system, including the main simulation and test models, is set up.The works mentioned above has a great value in engineering practice because of its modularization and hierarchy. As far as it goes, it can improve the simulation efficiency effectively, help the designer concentrate on accurate modeling and then constructing model-system for simulation, by lighten his works on programming.

  • 【分类号】V447;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】85

