

【作者】 姚红竹

【导师】 马桂顺;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 我国饭店业经营状况处于回升阶段,但是行业的过度竞争和微利依然是个不争的事实。根据美国饭店业引入绩效管理的历史经验和国际上绩效管理出现的背景情况可以推论出:目前我国饭店业需要绩效管理。 人们对饭店质量管理,饭店的ISO9000质量认证体系,平衡计分卡等在饭店业应用广泛的管理体系并不陌生,同时也听说过绩效管理。但是对绩效管理的认识还只是停留在想当然的理解上,要么认为是绩效评估,要么认为是主要对业务员使用的一种报酬和业务相挂钩的方式,等等。如果真正明白了什么是绩效管理,我们就会发现绩效管理不仅本身是一种管理体系,同时饭店的质量管理、饭店的ISO9000质量认证体系等也都属于绩效管理体系的一种。 本文在厘清绩效管理理论的基础上,展开了对大连市星级饭店绩效管理的实证研究。 采用演绎的方法,在分析绩效管理概念及其特点之后,建立了对我国饭店绩效管理现状的一系列假设。然后,以大连市星级饭店为研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈等方法收集了资料。在对资料进行详细分析的过程中发现了目前星级饭店绩效管理中存在的问题:不注重员工参与性、对员工的管理停留在绩效评估阶段、员工对绩效管理的期望大于饭店实施的现状、饭店星级和对绩效管理重要性认识不正相关、饭店所有制对绩效管理重要性认识影响不显著。最后针对存在的问题提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 Our country’s Hotel industry is on the backing up stage, but the excessive competition and tiny benefit of this industry is a fact everyone knows. According to the background that performance management theory appeared and the United State Hotel industry’s experience, we conclude. that our country’s hotel industry demand performance management.Maybe everybody have heard of hotel quantity management、 ISO9000 quantity system of the hotel and so on. Everyone may have heard of performance management also. But what on earth is performance management? Most of people still misunderstand it with performance evaluation; some people assume that it is a way to link the employee’s performance with their pay. If we know exactly and correctly what performance management is and it’s history, we will discover that theories such as quantity management、 balanced score car are belong to performance management.This thesis tends to clarify the theoretical foundation of performance management, and do the research of Dalian hotel’s performance management.The research method applied in this article is deductive. After analyzing the conception and characteristics of performance management nowadays, establish some assumption of hotel industry’s performance management. Then, collect date and analyze it by questionnaire investigation. During analyzing the date, some problems have been found: Employee’s participating in the management has been ignored, manage employee by performance evaluation, employee have higher expectation for actuality, different kind of property right has no influence on the cognition for importance of performance management, different level of star has no influence on it too. At the end of the thesis I make some advice about the present problems.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】522

