

Study on Airborne Pollen Pollution in Beijing[Ⅱ]

【作者】 靳颖

【导师】 刘家熙;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 植物学, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 空气花粉污染是空气污染的一个重要方面。空气花粉污染可引起花粉过敏性反应。在所有过敏性反应中,花粉过敏性反应是最重要和最常见的。有关资料表明,近年来花粉症的发病率有上升趋势,它危及人类的健康,加重社会的负担,因此空气花粉污染问题已成为我们必须关注和解决的问题。开展空气花粉污染的基础研究工作是非常重要的,它不仅可以更好的预防花粉症的发生,还可服务于花粉症的诊断,也可为城镇建设中绿化植物的合理配置提供参考依据。 调查空气中花粉尤其是致敏花粉的飘散规律,是空气花粉污染的基础研究工作中的一个重要方面。本文采用Pierre Cour研制的先进的风标式花粉采集器,在首都师范大学实验楼楼顶(40米高)和北京市一零一中学科技楼楼顶(10米高)分别设置了采集器,在2004年3月1日~11月29日开展了北京市空气花粉污染的研究工作。 本文对实验方法进行了改进。采用虹吸的方法吸取浓H2SO4溶解的纱网溶液,大大减少了花粉在处理过程中的损失,保证了实验结果的真实性。同时,本文调查了北京市部分主要开花植物的开花期,制作花粉图谱作为补充参考资料,记录了实验期间的天气变化情况。这些工作保证了实验结果的科学性和准确性。 研究结果表明,在2004年实验期间,在首都师范大学采集点共收集到了48个科属的植物花粉,在一零一中学采集点共收集到了38个科属的植物花粉。本文对2004年实验期间收集到的主要花粉的飘散规律进行了总结,并结合气象因子,与2002年、2003年实验期间所得数据作了比较分析。全年花粉含量呈现两个高峰期,第一个高峰期在4月~5月,主要以木本植物为主,如杨柳科、松科、桦木科等;第二个高峰期在8月~9月,主要以草本植物为主,如菊科蒿属和藜科等。从科的水平来看,首都师范大学与圆明园地区的植物种类大致相同,数量上有所差别,可能受周围植物的种类与数量以及采样器的设置高度等因素影响,有个别科的植物花粉在一零一中学采集点没有收集到,但这些花粉在首都师范大学采集点收集到的数量也很少。受气象因素的影响,2003年的花粉含量普遍低于2002年与2004年同期的花粉含量,因此,气象因子尤其是降水量、最高温度、最低温度可能是影响空气中花粉含量的重要气象因素,相对湿度和气压也对空气中的花粉含量有一定的影响。 最后本文指出了空气花粉污染研究中存在的问题并对研究前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 When allergenic pollen in the air increases to some extent, it may initiate the pollinosis in susceptible humans. In all the susceptible response, pollinosis is one of the most serious and common in our everyday life. This type of air state is called pollen pollution. The prevalence of pollinosis has increased in recent decades. In order to prevent and treat pollinosis better, it is necessary to carry out the research on airborne allergenic pollen. And it is important to determine the type and concentration of airborne pollen, especially allergenic pollen of highly populated cities. This data proves helpful in the treatment of patients suffering from such diseases and it may contribute to the plant distribution in virescence.The research on the rhythm of allergic pollen is the base of research on airborne pollen pollution. In this study, we located Pierre Cour pollen sampler respectively at the height of 40m in Capital Normal University and of 10m in NO. 101 Middle School. The research was progressed from March 1st, 2004 to November 29th, 2004.In the study, the experiment method was developed in order to decrease the loss of pollen, and we also investigated the flowering date of some certain plants in Beijing and made pollen spectrum. All the work ensures the study results scientific and reasonable.In this research, we identified 48 plant families and genera in Capital Normal University and 37 plant families and genera in Yuanmingyuan Park. The rhythm of main airborne pollen was concluded. The analysis was made on the base of comparison with the pollen data of 2002 and 2003 as well as the meteorologist of these two years. There were two peaks from March to November. One is in the period between April and May, the main airborne pollen are arboreal plants pollen such as Pinaceae、 Salicaceae and Betulaceae. And the other one is in the period between August and September, the main airborne pollen are such herbaceous plants as Artermisia and Chenopodiaceae. The plant type of these two districts is almost the same at the level of family, but the concentration is somewhat different due to the difference of plant type and quantity at each district as well as the height of the sampler located. Furthermore, the meteorologist such as precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and air pressure also have effect on the airborne pollenconcentration.At last, some problems about the study on airborne allergenic pollen and related resolvents were brought forward in the paper. Although there are many problems in the study on airborne allergic pollen unsolved, the prospects of this study is very broad.

  • 【分类号】X513
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】265

