

【作者】 王卓

【导师】 左东岭;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对李开先文学创作中所选用的多种文体入手,仔细分析这种选择背 后所蕴含的文学思想,全面阐述了李开先在为官期间和罢官后思想情感的转变, 并将其置于明嘉靖年间文人的整体思想变化中,结合“大礼仪”事件后的时势政 局,士人阶层的学术思想和人生际遇,及由此产生的心态变化,对其生成原因和 文学思想史意义做出适度阐释。 文章由四部分构成。第一部分详尽论述了李开先在创作中文体选择的具体表 现,包括诗歌,散文,传奇和散曲,侧重于每一种文体中所表达的内容和思想感 情的差异。第二部分按时间的顺序梳理出李开先的创作风格的演变历程。前两部 分经纬交错对李开先的文学思想进行了全面介绍。第三部分从时势政局、哲学思 想、家学渊源及人生际遇等多种角度深入分析了李开先文学思想的成因。第四部 分为结语,主要想说明李开先在明代中期文学思想史上的过渡性质,他代表了明 代文人的人生追求由单一性向多元性发展的趋势。全文论述试图阐明两个问题: 一、李开先文学创作中多文体选择反映了他文学思想的复杂性:二、李开先的文 学思想在明代中期具有鲜明的代表性,他是一个具有过渡性质的人物。

【Abstract】 This paper starts with the detailed analysis of the various kinds of the genre used by Li Kaixian in his literary creation and the literary thought the selection of these genres contains.The author expounds on the transformations of Li Kaixian’S thought and feelings during the period of time of his being govemment official in Ming Dynasty and after his resignation.While linking these transformations to the changes of the thought of the whole scholar’S community in Midterm of Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty,the author interprets moderately the cause leading to these changes,combining the current political situation after the Grand Rite,the academic ideas of the scholar class,spells of good or bad fortune of their human life and their psychological change caused by the above factors.The paper consists of four chapters.In chapter One,the specific formulations of the genre in Li Kaixian’S literary creation are discussed thoroughly,including poetry,prose,poetic dramas of Ming Dynasty,and lyric verse.Meanwhile,the emphasis is also put on the difference of thought and feelings each kind of the genre reflects.In time—ordered chapter Two,the author arranges the developing process of Li Kaixian’S creative style.Thus an overall introduction about Li Kaixian’S literary thought is displayed to the readers in the first two chapters.In chapter Three,the author analyzes profoundly the cause of Li Kaixian’S literary thought from the angle of the current political situation,philosophical idea,family of scholar,spells of good or bad fortune of human life and SO on.The conclusion is‘in Chapter Four.The author mainly shows the transitional nature of Li Kaixian in the history of literary ideology in Midterm of Ming Dynasty,that is,Li Kaixian represents the developing trend in scholar’S pursuit of human life from Oneness to Diversity.The goal of this paper aims at expounding on two issues.One is that the diversity of the selection in genre of Li Kaixian’S literary creation reflects the complexity of his literary thought;second is that in Midterm of Ming Dynasty Li Kaixian’S thought is an distinctive representation,that is,he is a character.with the transitional nature.

【关键词】 李开先文体选择文学思想成因
【Key words】 Li KaixianSelection of genreLiterary thoughtCause
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】222

