

From Opposition to Conciliation

【作者】 高迪迪

【导师】 张钧;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 这篇论文试图通过对贝娄所刻画的汉德森这个人物的研究,从而揭示出作品的主题。尽管汉德森拥有数额庞大的家族遗产,他依然要饱受美国精神危机的困挠。汉德森在美国所经历的抑郁、浑沌的生活反映出物质的极大丰富并不能缓解人们精神的焦虑。他总是站在与社会对立的一面,因而,他跑到非洲,去寻找能够在物质社会生存的方法。通过汉德森由一个反抗者向一个接受者转变的精神成长的过程展示了贝娄对人类未来的乐观态度。最终,汉德森懂得了通过爱与他者相处,与社会建立一种和谐的关系。 这篇论文分为三部分: 第一部分介绍了索尔·贝娄是一位人文主义作家以及他的小说《雨王汉德森》。同时,该部分也强调了研究《雨王汉德森》的意义。通过对作品的分析,对于我们更好的理解, 在中国,当我们的生活也在走向富裕的时候,我们要怎样看待个人与他者的关系以及如何应对可能出现的精神危机。 第二部分通过对汉德森精神历程的分析,我们看到了汉德森由一个反抗者向一个接受者的转变过程。在物质上,汉德森极为富有。然而,具有讽刺意味的是,汉德森感到自己的无用正是源于其拥有的强大经济实力。因此,他觉得自己无法在这样的精神状态下生活。但是,经过了非洲旅行之后,他能够面对现实了。他知道自己所需要的是爱——爱现实、爱他人。在这种强烈情感的支配下,汉德森返回了美国并准备在现实社会中实现自己的价值。 第三部分是结论,总结了贝娄在《雨王汉德森》中有关自我与世界关系的观点。从中我们看到,在面对自我与世界的矛盾面前,一方面我们要实现自我的价值,在实现自我价值的同时,要用爱来包容别人,建立自我与他者融洽的关系,最终达到整个社会的和谐。

【Abstract】 This thesis intends to interpret the theme in Henderson the Rain King, focusing on the study of Henderson the protagonist. Despite his sizeable wealth from family heritage, Henderson suffers from the spiritual crisis widespread in America. The experiences of Henderson in America reflect that the overmuch material cannot release people’s spiritual crisis. He always stands at the opposite side of reality. So he runs to Africa to find a way to survive in the material society. Through the progress of protagonist’s spiritual growth, which best illustrates Bellow’s affirmative attitude towards human’s future, Henderson turns from an objector to an accepter. Eventually, Henderson knows man can get on well with others by love and establish a harmonious relationship with society. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part introduces Saul Bellow as a humanistic writer and his novel Henderson the Rain King, and emphasizes the significance of perceiving this novel. In China when we are in the process of being rich we might face the same spiritual crisis as Henderson’s. Through analyzing the novel, we know that how we can live with others and solve the conflicts between individual and reality. In the second part through the analyzing of Henderson’s spiritual progress we see that Henderson from an objector to an accepter. The wealthy Henderson is drowning in the money world, but his economic freedom has ironically generated in him a sense of his own uselessness. So Henderson think he cannot live in such mental condition. But after the journey, he can conciliate with reality and he knows what he wants is love, which is the love for reality and for others. Under this powerful emotion Henderson returns America and he is ready to pursue his dreams in reality. The third part draws a conclusion. I see that in order to solve the conflicts between individual and reality, Bellow shows that when people realize their dreams they, on the one hand consider their own aims; on the other hand they exist in the world, so they should mix well with others in love in order to reach the harmonization of the whole society.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】202

