

Analyse on the Reform of Economic Structure in Middle of China

【作者】 张卫宾

【导师】 金兆怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 经过建国五十多年和改革开放二十多年的发展,中国现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。凭借先发优势,“长三角”与“珠三角”经济圈率先融入全球化经济大舞台;随着西部大开发和三峡工程的推进,西三角经济圈又呼之欲出;当“三极论”进入宏观决策,东北老工业基地也开始踏上复兴之路,与此同时,如何促进中部地区崛起已经在十届人大二次会议中正式列入日程。中部六省经纬跨度位于北纬 25-40,东经 108-119 之间,地处祖国内陆腹地,起着承东启西、接南进北、吸引四面、辐射八方的作用,依靠全国 10.7%的土地,承载全国 28.1%的人口,创造全国 23.0%的 GDP,在全国地域分工中扮演着十分重要的角色。中部地区的经济同全国一样,取得了很大的成绩,但潜力还远远没有发挥出来。在目前竞争优势不及东部地区,政策支持又不及西部地区的背景条件下,中部地区作为一个整体如何发展,如何防止“中部塌陷”危机的产生已经成为我国区域经济发展亟待解决的重要问题。从经济总量和人均水平上看,中部地区的经济在全国所占比重还比较小,人均水平也远远低于全国平均水平。中部地区居于全国的中间和腹心位置,是全国区域关联度最强的地方,是东西部经济合作的桥梁枢纽,是全国范围生产要素合理配置的战略支点。因此,中部地区的经济发展不仅关乎中部地区现代化建设的进程,也直接影响到我国全面建设小康社会的步伐,是构建和谐社会重要的组成部分。本文从中部地区发展的现实实际着手,在分析运用增长极理论和梯度推移理论的基础上,回顾了中部地区经济发展的相关背景以及中部地区经济发展的潜力和优势所在,并结合东西部发展对中部崛起带来的机遇和挑战,提出了适合该地区发展的建议和措施,为促进中部地区经济发展提供了理论分析基础。

【Abstract】 Through found the state development of one one year and reform and opening-upover the past more than 20 years, Chinese modernization made the achievement ofworld interest. Is it send advantage first to rely on, " long trigonometry ", and " pearltrigonometry" economy is it is it incorporate globalization economy heavy stage totake the lead in to enclose; With the promotions of the development of westernregions and the Three Gorges Projects, it is ready to appear that the triangulareconomy in the west is enclosed ; Act as " three very much in terms of " entermacroscopical decision, the Northeast old industrial base begins to set foot on the wayof Renaissance too, meanwhile, how promote middle part is it list in the scheduleformally of the 10th 2 meetings in National People’s Congress to emerge. The six provinces including Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan arelocated in the middle part of China, between 25 N and 40 N, 108 E and 119?E.Possessing 10.7 percent of national land, 28.1 percent of national population, these sixinland provinces bring about 23 percent of national GDP, and occupy a very importantrole in Chinese territorial division of labour. Economy of the middle part and thewhole country are the same, has obtained very big achievement, but potentiality isstill far from bringing into play. Not competing for the advantage as in the easternarea at present, the policy support is not as under the background condition of thewestern region , how as a whole to develop the middle part, how prevent from "middle part collapse " production of crisis become of our country regional economicdevelopment demanding prompt solution important problem already ". Looking from total supply and demand and per capita share, the economy of themiddle part is still relatively small in the national proportion, the per capita share isfar lower than the average national level too. Occupying the middle of the wholecountry and belly heart position in the middle part, is the related degree of strongestplaces of national area, it is a bridge pivot of economic cooperation of the western andeastern, is the strategic fulcrum that the nationwide factor of production is disposedrationally. So, the economic development of the middle part not merely concerns theprocess of modernization of middle part, influence paces that our country builds thewell-to-do society in an all-round way directly too, it is to structure harmonioussociety’s important components This text sets about from the reality of development of middle part actually, onthe basis of analysing that uses the growth pole theory and gradient lapse theory, havereviewed the relevant background and potentiality of economic development ofmiddle part and advantage of economic development of middle part, the opportunityand challenge brought emerge to the middle part to and combine the development ofthe western and eastern, put forward suit this area suggestion and measure ofdevelopment , analyse the foundation after offering for promoting the regionaleconomy development of middle part the theory.

【关键词】 中部地区经济结构产业结构
【Key words】 Middle partEconomic structureIndustrial structure
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】363

