

【作者】 杨宁

【导师】 陈永生;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的发展与社会的进步,个人财富不断增长并且呈现出集中趋势,人们对于个人财富的态度、观念和处理方式与过去相比发生了很大的变化,个人理财逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。在过去几年中,“个人理财业务”成为国际上银行业务中增长较快、利润贡献较高的主要业务之一。国际各大银行纷纷开始在这一领域加大投入,以获取更大的市场份额。然而,由于面临宏观和微观层面,如混业经营管制、员工素质问题等诸多方面的羁绊,目前我国商业银行开展“个人理财业务”还处于初级阶段。 本文结合交通银行成都分行的实际情况,对成都地区个人理财业务的市场需求情况、供给状况进行了分析,明确该行个人理财业务的市场定位,并针对目标客户群体的需求特点,提出相应的产品创新思路和服务策略,以及构建交通银行个人理财服务体系的构想。 文章共分六个部分:第一部分以银行个人理财业务的基本内涵和产生背景作为结论;第二部分详细分析了国内外个人理财业务发展的历史、现状、运作模式与存在的问题;第三部分对成都市“个人理财业务”市场的需求与供给状况进行了分析,并明确了交通银行成都分行“个人理财业务”的市场定位;第四部分通过分析目标客户群体的需求特点,提出了产品创新和设计思路;第五部分提出交行个人理财服务的具体策略;第六部分提出构建整个交行个人理财服务体系的构想。

【Abstract】 With the development of china’s economy and society, the personal wealth has been growing and has shown the trend of concentration. People’s mindset toward personal wealth and its management have also undergone profound changes.The personal wealth management(PWM), therefore, comes to the focus of people’s attention. In the past years,the personal wealth management has become one of the main fast growing and profitable business lines of commercial banks worldwide. Banks are putting in more resources to gain increasing market shares. In China, however, as restrained by financial regulation and bank staffing, personal wealth management is just at its preliminary stage. By analyzing the supply and demand supplies of personal wealth management in Chengdu and integrating it with the practice of Bank of Communications, Chengdu Br., the author points out the bank’s PWM market position and service framework, and initiates product innovation and service strategies on the basis of the demand of target customers as well. Contents; 1.the intention of PWM and it’s background produced 2.the history, current situation, operating mode and problems of PWM 3.the supply and demand of PWM in Chengdu, and the market position of Bank of Communications, Chengdu Br. 4.PWM-product innovation and design against the demand of target customers 5.the strategy of PWM service in Bank of Communications Chengdu Br. 6.Thought of building the whole PWM service system in bank of communications

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】757

