

【作者】 常家华

【导师】 郭鹏;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 工商管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪以来,企业的经济环境和20世纪90年代下的环境相比发生了剧烈的变化,这些变化必然会影响企业的生产经营,甚至直接影响企业的生存和发展。企业战略研究的目的就是要根据环境的变化和自身的条件,做出判断与选择,及时调整和寻找适合企业自身发展又满足社会需要的发展战略。本文以河南安阳永兴钢铁有限责任公司为研究对象。以经营环境的变化为背景,从战略高度研究永兴公司的生存和持续发展问题。 本文在永兴公司内外部经营环境的深入分析的基础上,确定了永兴公司成本领先的竞争战略,提出一套低成本战略的具体实施方案,并以公司的实践对方案进行了验证。其中对低成本战略的选择确认使用波特竞争五力量的分析工具,对于企业成本的分析运用企业价值链分析方法,财务分析的各种工具。 本论文主要内容共分为七个部分:第一部分为绪论,介绍了本文的背景、意义与研究目的:国内外企业竞争战略的研究现状;研究的方法和研究内容。第二部分为研究的理论依据,介绍和归纳了企业战略理论与低成本战略理论。第三部分和第四部分分别是企业外部和内部环境分析,重点介纠了永兴公司所面临的外部市场环境和公司内部经营状况,文章结合价值链分析工具和波特的竞争模型,对公司外部和内部关键战略要素进行了评价,分析了永兴钢铁公司所面临的外部机会和内部的管理经营机制。第五部分是永兴企业低成本经营战略方案的选择和制定,通过价值链分析及外部关键战略要素分析得出,成本领先战略是永兴公司的最优选择;通过内部资源、环境、管理、机制的分析及内部要素的评价,相比较经营规模较小的区域内的竞争对手而言,成本领先同样是永兴公司的最优选择。第六部分是低成本经营战略方案的实施,结合永兴公司的实践和民营公司特色,提出了一套完整的低成本战略实施措施。最后一部分是结论,对全篇文章进行了归纳和总结,并分析了文章的不足及有待进一步研究的领域。 本文采用文献资料、实地调查、统计分析和比较分析等研究方法,详细分析了永兴钢铁的内部和外部环境。而管理学、经济学和企业战略计划及战略管理等是研究永兴低成本经营战略的理论依据。

【Abstract】 The enterprises’ economy environment has changed greatly when compared with those in the 1990s when China entering into the new century, and which may affect enterprises’ yield prosecution, and also directly influence their existence and development The purpose of this research on enterprises’ strategy is to judge and select a developing strategy that both satisfy enterprises and the society according to environment diversification and self qualifications. By selecting Anyang Yongxing Steel Corporation in Henan province as the subject, and considering the environment diversification as a factor, this article does a research on it’s existence and sustainable development from a strategy level.On the bases of conducting a deep analysis on both the inner and outer performing environment in Yongxing Corporation, mis article makes certain the cost-oriented competitive strategy and puts forward a suit of actual implementation blueprint, and also verified this project by practicing it in the corporation. It applies the tool provides by Porter for selecting a suitable low cost strategy, and the value chain method and other financial tools for the enterprises’ cost analysis.There are seven parts in the article, introduction is in the first part, and which presents the background, meanings and purpose of this research, and also the latest research status quo of other enterprises’ competitive strategy both in China and other countries. Exotherica gist is in the second part, which introduces and summarizes the relative theories concerning enterprises’ strategy and low cost strategy. The inner and outer enterprises’ environment analyses are exerted in the third and the fourth parts, which focuses on introducing the market environment and the management status that Yongxing Corporation has experienced. And by combining the value chain method and the Porter model, it evaluates the critical inner and outer strategy factors of the corporation, and constates the outer opportunity and the inner management mechanism. In the fifth part is the constitution and the selection of Yongxing low cost management strategy scheme. By value chain and critical outer factor analyzing, and also the evaluation of inner resource, environment, management, mechanism, and other inner factors, it concludes that low cost strategy is an appropriate choice when comparing with small-scaled competitors. And the implementation of low cost management scheme is in the sixth part, it proposes a suit of performing scheme by combining Yongxing’s practice and the characteristics of village enterprises. Summarize and conclusions are assumed in the last part, and it also includes the inefficiencies and future researches.By adopting literatures, performing field survey, statistical analysis and comparative analysis, and so on, this article labors the inner and outer environment of Yongxing. And Management, Economy, Enterprises’ Strategy Planning and Management, and etc. are exoterica gist of Yongxing low cost management strategy.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】391

