

An Experiment for Communicative Activities in Senior High School

【作者】 孔彬

【导师】 宋兴蕴;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 教学活动是师生之间进行的双向互动活动。在活动中,双方不仅是交流信息,传授知识,发展技能;更是在交流思想和情感。而英语教学任务的完成也正是通过师生之间,学生之间的交际活动才得以更好地实现,同时英语学习的最终目的也是为了用英语进行交际。近几年来;为交际而教学这一观念已经融入众多外语教师的教学思想中。在内蒙古自治区的高中外语教学中,也不例外。尤其是1996年;英国Longman出版公司与人民教育出版社合作出版的新编中学英语教材使用以来,高中教师已经开始将交际思想运用到实践中去,但效果不是很显著。 本文作者根据当地的具体情况,对包头地区五所中学的部分学生进行了问卷调查,并通过听课和座谈了解本地区高中英语教学中存在片面追求升学率造成了哑巴英语的弊端。在此基础上,作者提出现今在基础英语教学中补充‘激趣’;‘交际’活动的及时性和必要性:陈述了有关的理论依据;指出了这类课堂活动的重要性,并就教师这一教学主体,在教学活动中担任的必要角色进行了介绍,分析。另外,作者对‘激励情趣’‘交际’活动的补充方法提出了一个实践性的分段模式,并列举了一些例子来说明具体的操作方法。最后,对此模式进行了实验研究来证明它的可行性,以及目前在英语教学中需要补充这类活动的及时性。

【Abstract】 It is a common-sense fact that teaching and learning is a type of two-sided activities, in which not only information is exchanged, but also thinking and feelings are also involved. The accomplishment of ELT/ELL (English Language Teaching/English Language Learning) tasks is exactly realized by communicative activities between the teacher and students and among the students themselves (Wang Cairen, 1996). The idea of teaching for communication has already been instilled into the minds of many English teachers. There is no exception in ELT/ELL at senior level in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Particularly, on the use of Senior English for China (published by Longman and People’s Educational Press, 1996), the English teachers in middle schools began to apply the communicative ideas to classroom activities, but the efficiency produced seems not quite evident.To get some ideas of the existing weaknesses or problems, the author conducted a questionnaire among parts of the middle school students in five middle schools in the Baotou region, attended several classes, observed and interviewed some of the teachers and students concerned. Then he suggested the necessity and immediacy of implementing ’interest-developed’, ’communicative’activities in English classes, stated some relevant theoretical bases, stressed the significance of such classroom activities and made an analysis of different roles of the teacher in classroom activities. Later, a practical model was proposed as its implementation in practice. And finally a small-scaled experiment initially proved its effectiveness in the realclassroom situation and the immediacy of implement with these communicative activities in class.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】251

