

The Effect of Disc Swirl Spinning Parameters on the Quality of Disc Swirl Spun Yarn

【作者】 顾闻彦

【导师】 葛明桥;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 纺织工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 圆盘式旋流纺纱是在利用喷射气流加工纱线的技术、并针对克服喷气纺纱方法所存在问题的基础上发明的一种新型非自由端纺纱方法。它以梳辊牵伸机构代替喷气纺纱中的罗拉牵伸机构,具有牵伸速度快、效率高,牵伸部件磨损小等优点。为了了解该纺纱方法的工艺参数对纺纱质量的影响,本论文首先讨论了影响圆盘式旋流纺纱的主要工艺参数,即:芯丝细度、第一喷嘴压力、第二喷嘴压力、梳辊转速、喂棉量、棉条号数、芯丝喂入张力和芯丝退绕张力。通过前期实验发现,该方法加工长丝包芯纱性能比较稳定,所以本论文以长丝包芯纱作为评价对象,改变工艺参数纺制纱线,并对所纺纱线的强伸性能和包覆性能进行了测试。本论文通过单因素分析的方法分别对在这些工艺参数条件下生产的长丝包芯纱的包覆性能和强伸性能做出了分析,并对其中可能有交互效应的喂棉量和棉条号数两种工艺参数作了双因素方差分析。最终得出如下结论:1、芯丝细度为50旦的包芯纱质量明显好于芯丝细度为150旦的包芯纱质量。2、当第一级喷嘴气压为0.30~0.35MPa,第二级喷嘴气压为0.60~0.62MPa时,所纺纱线质量较好。3、梳辊转速6000~8000转/分,喂棉量1.695~2克/分(偏小掌握),棉条号数2~2.58克/米(偏小掌握)时,所纺纱线质量较好。另外,在纺纱实践中还要将棉条号数和喂棉量的交互作用考虑进去。4、芯丝喂入张力在0.012~0.05N时所纺纱线可以取得较好的包覆性能和强伸性能。5、芯丝退绕张力为0.04 ~ 0.056 N时所纺纱线可以取得较好的包覆性能和强伸性能。6、芯丝细度为50旦时,所纺纱线的强伸性能均好于原芯丝的强伸性能。说明外包纤维承担了一部分纱线力学性能。

【Abstract】 Disc swirl spinning is a new-type non open-end spinning process. It makes use of jet air toproduce yarn in order to resolve the matters in air-jet spinning. It substitutes roller drafting systemwith combing roller drafting system, which ensures that the drafting system of disc swirl spinninghas the advantages of high drafting speed, high drafting efficiency, little abrasion, and etc.To understand the effect of the parameters of disc swirl spinning on spinning quality, mainparameters of disc swirl spinning that would affect spinning quality had been discussed firstly.They are the size of core filament, the pressure of the first nuzzle, the pressure of the second nozzle,combing roller speed, feed quantity of cotton, sliver linear density, feed tension and unwind tensionof core filaments. Through former research, core-filaments spun yarn was chosen as evaluationobject for the reason that its spinning process was steady. The yarn was spun with variedparameters of process, and the tenacity performance, as well as the coverage performance, wastested.The method of single-factor analysis was used to analyze the tenacity and coverageperformances of the yarn processed in the condition of different spinning parameters. And a furtheranalysis was made by double-factor analysis on two parameters,which are feed quantity of cottonand sliver linear density that maybe have interaction. Finally, results were got as following:1、when the size of core filament is 50 denier, the quality of core yarn is distinctly better thanthat of 150 denier.2、when the pressure of the first nozzle is 0.30~0.35MPa,and the pressure of the secondnozzle is 0.60~0.62MPa,the yarn quality is much better than those in other conditions.3、when combing roller speed is 6000~8000 r/min,feed quantity of cotton is 1.695~2 g/min(the smaller, the better),sliver linear density is 2~2.58g/m(the smaller, the better),the yarnquality is much better than those in other conditions. Besides, the interaction of the feed quantity ofcotton and the sliver linear density must be considered in disc spinning process.4、when feed tension of core filament is 0.012~0.05N, the yarn shows a good tenacity andcoverage performance.5、when unwind tension of core filament is 0.04 ~ 0.056 N, the yarn shows a good tenacity andcoverage performance.6、the tenacities of all of the disc core spun yarns are better than those of the core filaments,which shows that sheath fibers bear a part of yarn tenacity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期
  • 【分类号】TS104.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】67

