

The Study on Water Losing Mechanism in Mining Stratum

【作者】 吕明海

【导师】 王来贵;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 工程力学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 采矿引起地下水流失有其必然性 且地下水大量流失诱发的环境地质灾害具有涉及面广 危害类型复杂 潜在性强 影响范围广 动态变化大 危害时间长等特点 它严重地危害着矿区人们的生活和社会的稳定 影响国家经济建设的发展 开展采动地层水资源流失机理的研究工作有重要的理论价值和现实意义 本文的主要研究内容有 1 结合大量实例 综述了采矿引起地下水流失引起的伴生环境地质灾害 指出了目前采动地层水渗流研究需要注意的动向 2 综述了国内外采动地层水资源流失研究现状 分析了等效连续介质模型离散介质模型 双重介质模型及其优缺点 并编制了统一域混合模型有限元程序3 介绍了基本遗传算法原理和实现技术 提出了改进措施 加快了遗传算法的收敛速度 并基于 MATLAB软件编制了优化遗传算法程序4 利用遗传算法 结合有限元数值模拟 得到了一种在已知少量先验信息的情况下 快速准确得到岩层渗透系数的方法5 利用研究内容 4 的方法 解决渗流数值计算中难以确定的渗透系数与孔隙压力的函数关系 并利用 GEO SLOPE 软件模拟了无隔水层破裂 下隔水层破裂和上下隔水层都破裂三种情况下采动地层中水体的运动规律

【Abstract】 It is certainty that caused groundwater loss by mining, and the induced geologicalenvironment calamity involves a wide range, strong latent, large dynamic change ofcoverage, long endangering time character etc. It is seriously endangering living ofmining area people, stability of the society and development of national economicconstruction. There are important theoretical value and realistic meaning to carry outresearch work of mining stratum water resource loss mechanism.The main research contents are:1 Combining large number of instances, groundwater loss by mining to causecompanion geological environment calamity, and the text points out noticed studytendency of is mining stratum water seepage at present;2 Describe study current situation of mining stratum water resource loss, and analyzeequivalent continuous medium model, dispersed medium model, double medium modeland their advantage and shortage, and has programmed finite element procedure of theunified mix model;3 Introduced basic genetic algorithm principle and realize technology, and put forwardimproving measure, which can accelerate the speed of convergence of genetic algorithm,and I have programmed optimized procedure of genetic algorithm based on MATLABsoftware;4 Utilizing genetic algorithm, and combining numerical simulation of finite element, thetext has got one kind method of obtaining accurately infiltration coefficient of rockstratum in case of small amount of priori information;5 Utilize the 4th contents’ method, we can determine functional relation betweenseepage coefficient and hole pressure during numerical calculating, and the text usedGEO- SLOPE software to simulate three states of water moving law: having two waterbarrier stratum, one water barrier broken and upper and lower water barrier broken inmining stratum.

  • 【分类号】P641.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】165

