

Research and Development of Rapid Parametric Structure Modeling for Reflector Antenna

【作者】 李申

【导师】 段宝岩;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 当前工业企业正面临着市场全球化、制造国际化和品种需求多样化的新挑战,各企业间围绕着时间、质量和成本的竞争越来越激烈。新产品的开发时间成为企业能否在激烈的市场竞争中取胜的关键因素。开展天线结构的参数化快速建模技术研究,可大大缩短研制周期,节省经费,提高质量。这对于提升我国天线结构设计的能力,加速设计过程,提高新产品研发效率,具有十分重要的理论意义与应用价值。 本文阐述了参数化技术的发展情况,描述了系统的功能要求和结构层次,并对开发系统所需软件平台进行了介绍。通过对基于实例推理技术和面天线结构方案设计过程的分析,结合基于实例推理技术和面天线结构设计的特点,提出基于实例推理技术的面天线结构方案设计的框架思想,并研究了面天线的实例描述,相似度计算,检索匹配及实例调整等关键技术。基于该方法用户可以通过面天线结构实例方便的借鉴成功的设计经验,显著的提高了设计效率。以通用CAD软件I-Deas为开发平台,在整机参数化思想的指导下,完成了圆抛物面天线结构整机参数化建模,包括反射面分块合成,中心体单圆筒类型和中央圆环圆筒类型的参数化建模,基于不同截面的连杆的支撑背架模型的参数化。最后利用数据库技术,完成了面天线结构共享数据的生成存储,为后续的CAE分析、优化奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Currently,the industry and enterprise are confronted with the new challenge of global market,international manufacture and varieties of requirements. The competition among the enterprises of the time, quality and cost is more and more severe. The development period of new production is the key factor of winning victory in severe competition. Developing the research of parametric modeling on antenna structure can shorten the design periods,save the cost, improve quality.It is important to enhence the capacity of antenna structure design in theroy and applications.This paper describes the development of parametric technology ,explains the function and hiberarchy of the system,introduces the surpport softwares designing the system.With the designing process analysis for case-based reasoning technology and characteristic of reflector antenna structure design, the whole frame and key technology of case-based reasoning for reflector antenna structure design was put forward, such as , case representation,the method of calculating degree of similarity ,searching and adjusting case. The case-based reasoning(CBR) is introduced for structure designing of surface antenna. then experiences of structure designing are taken advantage of in effect and design efficiency was improved. This paper realizes the parametric design of the whole model for round paraboloid antenna using the general CAD software I-Deas.The parametric design for whole modal includes assembly of each separate panel, parametric modeling on the single cylinder and standard(middle cirque and cylinder ) center part, parametric modeling of the brace beam based on the link part with some different cross sections.The whole assembly modal of round reflector antenna can be created automatically in the system.At last, using the database technology,the share data was created and stored for subsequence analysis or optimization.

  • 【分类号】TN820
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】259

