

On Conflict of Laws in China Foreign Trade Agency System

【作者】 刘红

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 法律冲突是普遍存在的现象,但在调整外贸代理关系的法律文件间呈现剧烈冲突现象却是我国在经济转轨时期所独有的。本研究以法经济学理论(Law And Economics) 为基础,采用成本—收益分析方法对我国外贸代理制法律冲突问题展开研究,将有助于我国外贸代理制度的完善。法经济学理论以稀缺性假设、理性人假设、最大化假设为基础,把效率作为法律的基本价值目标和评价标准,认为立法、执法和司法都要有利于社会资源的有效配置和社会财富的增值,尽量减少社会成本。缘起于西方的代理制具有专业化分工、提高规模效益、降低交易费用的经济功能,而我国外贸代理制法律冲突的存在,使得外贸代理制的优越性不能充分发挥。其冲突主要包括:《民法通则》与《暂行规定》的冲突,《民法通则》与《对外贸易法》的冲突,《民法通则》与《合同法》的冲突,《合同法》与《暂行规定》的冲突。这些冲突产生的根本原因是利益冲突。具体原因可以归结为:立法主体多元、立法理念差异、立法技术粗疏、有效审查机制缺失、体制转轨交错、法律移植的不适应症等。其消极影响是破坏了法制的统一、消解了法律的功能、增加了交易的成本、提供了寻租的可能、激励了机会主义行为、阻碍了代理制的推行。其积极影响表现为法律冲突是法律变迁的动力、权利保障的源泉、资源整合的契机。本研究在深入分析我国外贸代理制法律冲突的表现、原因及影响的基础上,本着消除不必要的法律冲突,建立解决法律冲突合理机制的目的,提出了以下解决问题的对策。1、维持既有法律框架下的对策,即法律冲突前提下的法律适用问题(1)遵循法的效力层次原则,《民法通则》《合同法》的效力优于《暂行规定》,《民法通则》效力优于《合同法》和《对外贸易法》。文中强调切忌笼统适用“特别法优于一般法原则”,“特别法”应限定在调整特别法律关系的特别规范、原则、制度范围内。(2)在进行法律适用时必须<WP=8>将个别主体行为置于社会整体利益之中加以考量,在不违背法治原则的前提下,达到资源优化配置的目标。基于这个目标,在《民法通则》和《合同法》之间,应当优先适用《合同法》,充分发挥外贸代理制的经济功能。2、突破既有法律框架,解决外贸代理制法律冲突的途径(1)取消外贸经营权审批制,代之以登记制;(2)完善外贸代理国内立法;(3)加入《国际货物销售代理公约》,与国际规则接轨。基于我国农业生产经营方式的特点,建设法律规范下的农产品外贸代理机制是十分必要的。本研究分别就外贸经营权审批制和外贸经营权登记制下,农产品外贸代理问题进行了有益的探讨。1、外贸经营权审批制下的农产品外贸代理问题在外贸经营权审批制下,农户和中小农产品生产加工企业被剥夺了外贸经营权,被迫通过代理方式进行交易,农产品内外贸市场隔离。以粮食外贸的独家垄断为例,在独家垄断粮食外贸体制下,粮食企业自身利益最大化导致逆向市场操作,国家实行外贸管制的目标无法实现。实践证明,外贸经营权审批制既是不公平的,也是无效率的。2、外贸经营权登记制下的农产品外贸代理问题外贸经营权登记制下,农户获得了农产品外贸经营权,可以自由选择以自营、订单农业、委托代理等方式出口农产品,但因制度约束、规模约束,缺乏自营出口能力,外贸代理适合小农生产条件下的农产品对外贸易。本研究在分析显名代理与其他代理方式不同特征的基础上,认为在显名代理情形下,受托人对自己所拥有的交易信息,难于实现排他性权利,其交易行为的外部性导致了受托人的“非显名代理偏好”。本研究最后指出代理本身也会产生代理成本,农户最终是否选择代理,取决于成本—收益分析,发展外贸代理的关键是提高代理效能,降低代理成本。

【Abstract】 Conflict of laws is general, but conflict of laws on China foreign trade agency system is unique during the period of economic transformation. The study with cost-benefit approach based on Economics Analysis of Law will promote growth of China’s foreign trade system. Economics Analysis of Law, based on scarcity assumption, rational person assumption, economic maximum assumption, regards efficiency as basic value and appraisal standard and declares that legislation, enforcement and judicature should contribute to efficient distribution of social resource, increase social wealth and reduce social cost. Agency system, originated from the west, has many economic functions: specializing divisions, promoting dimension efficiency, reducing transaction cost. However, the conflicts reduce the value of foreign trade agency system. The major conflicts of laws in China Foreign Trade Agency system are as follows: the conflict between General Rules of Civil Law (hereinafter as GRCL)and Interim Provisions for the Foreign Trade Agency System (hereinafter as Interim Provisions); that between GRCL and Foreign Trade Law (1994); that between Contract Law and Interim Provisions and that between GRCL and Contract Law. The followings should be responsible for the conflicts: different legislative subjects and ideas; defect of legislative technology; absence of effective inspective system; interleaving of different systems. The conflicts have passive effects, such as breaking down the uniform of legal system; declining functions of laws; increasing transaction costs; providing the possibility of <WP=10>corruption; leading to opportunism acts, hindering the spread of agency system. The positive effects of the conflicts are as followings: They are causes of legal transformation; source of right protection; chance of source redistribution. Our aim is to get rid of the unnecessary conflicts, to set up a solution system. So after the conflicts of laws in foreign trade agency system, the reasons and the effects have been disclosed, the following countermeasures are provided .1.In the application of law, authentic levels principle should be obeyed. According to the principle, GRCL and Contract Law are prior to Interim Provisions; GRCL is prior to both Contract Law and Foreign Trade Law. The judge should put the individual into a whole background, approaching a prior distribution of resource, as abided by rule of law. Then we can regard Contract Law prior to GPCL, because Contract Law is more reasonable by accepting unnamed principal agency and undisclosed principal agency. 2. Solutions will be necessary to get ride of the conflicts.All these will be helpful such as to repeal the foreign trade agency approval system; to perfect legislation of foreign trade agency and to accede to Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods. Under Foreign Trade Law(1994), farmers and tiny enterprises which produce agricultural products have to make transaction by agent because they have no qualification to engage in foreign trade. This leads to segregation between domestic trade and international trade. Under the monopoly system, grain enterprises make transactions countering the market by seeking maximum benefit <WP=11>themselves, which lead to the failure of government’s foreign trade control. All these have proved a fact that the foreign trade agency approval system is unfair and inefficient. With the approaching foreign trade qualification registration, farmers have the freedom to choose direct deal, indirect deal and foreign trade agency to import their products. In fact the farmers have no enough ability to make direct deal by the restrain of institution and scale, so foreign trade agency fits for the agricultural products trade. The spoiled benefit leads agent’s anti-named-principal-agency, as it is difficult to keep the transaction information secret under named principal agency. On the other hand, agency can produce cost itself, the fact that farmers will choose agency or not is determined by cost-profit analysis. So the

  • 【分类号】D922.295
  • 【下载频次】164

