

The Study of Equipment Normalized Management of SZ Airport

【作者】 张海舰

【导师】 张金隆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当代的设备技术进步飞快,分别朝着集成化、大型化、精密化、自动化、计算机化的方向发展。先进的设备与落后的设备管理之间的矛盾日益严重地困扰着企业,成为企业前进的障碍。国内企业设备管理的落后表现在理论和手段两个方面。在理论方面,我国绝大多数企业的设备管理仍是建立在“事后维修”和“计划预防维修”的基础之上的,而且在实际工作过程中往往出现人治大于法治、制度流于形式、维护走过场等种种不良现象。与此同时,国内企业在设备管理方面都还是以手工操作为主,形成“成本高、效率低”的尴尬局面。在本文中,笔者希望通过对SZ机场设备规范管理这个案例的研究,来探索出一条适合国内企业改变设备管理落后状况,适应现代化发展需求的新路子。本文首先介绍了设备管理发展的概况,并对研究设备管理的目的、意义和内容作了阐述。然后对企业设备管理和企业规范管理这两个方面进行了研究。在研究企业设备管理时,介绍了企业设备及设备管理的定义,并分析了企业设备管理的任务和职能。在研究企业规范管理时,介绍了企业规范管理的定义和内容。在研究的基础上,笔者结合国内企业的现状,提出了企业设备规范管理模式。第三,根据前文的研究,从SZ机场设备维护管理、备品备件管理、维护部门员工培训管理和设备信息化管理这四个方面描述了机场设备管理的现状,并对其中存在的问题作了深入的分析。第四,从四个方面分析了SZ机场设备规范管理建设的必要性,并给出了建设的目标和内容。然后,笔者依据上文提出的设备规范管理模式,给出了SZ机场设备规范管理建设的具体方案,并对建设后机场设备管理的特点进行了分析。最后,结合SZ机场设备规范管理项目中的具体实践,笔者对我国企业设备规范管理的建设提出了一些自己的思考。

【Abstract】 Now the equipment technology is developing quickly in the directions of integration, large-scale, accuracy, automation and computerization. The conflicts between advanced equipments and the backward equipment management are hindering enterprises from going further seriously day by day. On the one hand, the equipment management of most domestic enterprises is based on BM (Breakdown Maintenance) and MP (Maintenance Prevention). And some bad phenomena, such as ruling by man being greater than ruling by law, system being mere formality, and so on, are very popular at work. On the other hand, manipulation is the main way when maintaining equipments so that native firms are facing the awkward situations of both high cost and low efficiency. In this paper, the author hope to find a new way, which can be used to change the backward states of equipment management and meets the demands of modernization development, through study the case of equipment normalized management of SZ airport.This paper, firstly, introduces the general development situations of equipment management, and expounds the purpose, meaning and content of studying equipment management. Furthermore, the study results of both enterprise equipment management and enterprise normalized management are given. Here the author presents the definition of equipment and equipment management, and analyzes the tasks and functions of equipment management. Then the definition of enterprise normalized management and its contents are introduced. On the basis of study, the author brings forward enterprise equipment normalized management pattern according to the current situation of domestic company. Thirdly, the author describes the actualities of equipment management of SZ airport from four aspects, which are equipment maintenance management, spare-part management, employee-training management and information management, and makes a deep analysis to the existed questions among them. Fourthly, the necessity, aim, and content of building of SZ Airport equipment normalized management are given. Here the author also provides the <WP=5>concrete building scheme and analyzes the characters of airport equipment management after building. At last, the author brings forward some own ideas about most domestic enterprises’ equipment normalized management building on the basis of the practices of SZ Airport equipment normalized management building.

  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】214

