

A Case Study of Land-evaluating

【作者】 向宏伟

【导师】 王向阳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以实证研究为主,利用国内外在土地价值评估方面的先进成果,结合国内房地产开发的实际,致力于探索一套适合房地产企业的行之有效的土地价值评估的办法和具体的操作技巧。论文分为四章。第一章介绍了土地和地价的基本特征。指出土地的不可再生性、相对稀缺性、位置固定性等特征的存在,使得土地价格具有不同于一般商品的特性,从而决定了土地价值评估的基本方法。论文第二章介绍了国内外土地价值评估的研究成果。通过分析不同流派的地价理论,总结出基本的土地价格评估模型。论文第三章结合我国的实际,详细分析和讨论了土地价值评估的基本方法,即收益还原法、市场比较法、成本法和剩余法。总结出不同评估方法的基本思路、适用条件、使用方法、计算公式以及选取相关参数的技巧。论文第四章运用土地价值评估方法,进行一个实际开发项目的实例研究。在市场比较法的评估过程中,进行了结果偏差分析,从而得到较为可靠的计算结果。在剩余法的估价过程中,运用经济学基本分析法来科学地预测房产的未来价格,并在计算过程中,采用了相对传统更为准确、合理的财务分析方法,以保证计算结果的准确、可靠。论文阐述的重点是:在土地价值评估的实际操作中,如何正确选择评估方法以及如何预测、选取和确定有关参数,使得土地的评估价值尽可能地接近土地的真实价值,从而为房地产的投资决策提供重要的决策依据。

【Abstract】 By employing case studies, domestic facts and the advanced international achievements in land evaluation, this thesis tries to probe for a set of efficient methods and operative skills that are suitable for real estate companies.This article is divided into 4 chapters. Chapter 1 gives you an idea of the basic features of land and land price, and indicates some of the land features including irreproducibility, relative scarcity and immovable ubiety, which make the land different from other general merchandises and determine the basic method of land evaluation. Chapter 2 gives an overall view of the advanced international research achievements in land evaluation and summarizes the fundamental assessment model through the analysis of different genres’ theories. Chapter 3 fits the basic methods of land evaluation into our domestic practice and discusses these methods such as income regression, market comparison, cost analysis and surplus value analysis in detail, and summarizes the basic principle, applicability, ways to use and formulae of each method and the skills for choosing relevant parameters. Chapter 4 turns the abstract ideas mentioned in Chapter 3 into the practices of using land evaluation—making a concrete case study of an actual estate project. In the process of evaluation using market comparison, I carried out a result wind age analysis to get a relatively credible result. And in the assessment of using surplus value analysis, I adopted the basic economic analysis to predict the real estate price, and in the calculation, I used a relatively conservative but more precise and more rational financial analysis method, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the result.This article focus on how one can choose the correct evaluation method, and how to predict, choose and confirm on the parameters, in the actual operation, in order to make the evaluation result proximate to the actual value. Since a proximate result makes an important ingredient for a real estate investment.

  • 【分类号】F301.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1234

