

Studies on a Review of Intellectual Property Insurance in the U.S. and Germany

【作者】 胡丽君

【导师】 郑友德;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,企业的竞争力日益取决于由知识产权构成的无形资产。金融财团也将一个企业是否具有知识产权战略作为其投资决策的关键因素。因此,在今天高度竞争的市场中,企业一方面必须充分利用知识产权制度使财产保值增值,另一方面,也必须建立知识产权风险管理战略,以妥善处理日益猖獗的知识产权侵权行为。一般而言,资金雄厚的大公司可从容应对知识产权侵权诉讼,但势单力薄的小公司或个人寻求司法救济时,却通常因诉讼费用昂贵而不敢问津。此时,保险界设计的新险种——知识产权保险满足了诉讼双方当事人的需要,使得权利人起诉知识产权侵权行为的诉讼费用,和侵权人应诉侵权指控的抗辩费用以及损害赔偿责任均可获得保单的承保。因此,知识产权保险从攻防两方面来看,对于维护公司的稳定运行和缓冲公司的诉讼风险都是极其重要的。鉴于知识产权保险对于知识产权的有力保障,本文建议在我国适度开发知识产权保险。知识产权保险在美国和德国的发展最为完善,本文即从介绍美德两国知识产权保险的种类入手,在比较不同知识产权保险险种的承保范围,和探讨不同知识产权保险存在的理论争议之基础上,提出在我国适度开发知识产权保险的基本设想。由于知识产权保险在世界范围内亦属新兴事物,我国尚未有专门介绍或研究知识产权保险的论文或著述见诸纸端。因此,本文对于知识产权保险的研究,和对开发我国知识产权保险的设想,可谓是开拓性的探讨。但限于笔者才疏学浅,这种粗浅的探讨只是一个尝试的开始,希望今后能够在更深的层次上做出思考。本文以为抛砖引玉。

【Abstract】 In knowledge economy era, much of a company’s true value relates to intellectual property and the financial community is making the presence or absence of a company’s IP strategy a factor in its investment decisions. Therefore, in today’s hyper competitive marketplace, on the one hand, businesses should make full use of intellectual property system to guard their assets; on the other hand, businesses should have a strategy of IP risk management to handle intellectual property claims. In general, larger companies can afford to maintain litigation, while smaller companies or individuals who pursue judicial recourse often do not have the necessary capital to sustain a long court battle against a well-financed opponent. Here,intellectual property insurance can solve this problem. When businesses pursue claims against other businesses that may have infringed on their intellectual property rights or businesses want to guard themselves from commercial claims, IP insurance is much needed. Because the firm’s protection of intellectual property is essential for its market position and its future development, IP insurance is becoming increasingly important from both an offensive and a defensive perspective.Because IP insurance can afford efficient protection to intellectual property, this article advises that China insurance should open up IP insurance. IP insurance develops well in the U.S. and Germany, so this article will first introduce these two countries’ IP insurances, and then compare and analyze them. As a result, this article will express the idea of how to open up IP insurance.As IP insurance is a new thing in the world, and no scholars make any studies on it in China, this article can be the first thesis that explores IP insurance in China. But limited by the author’s insufficient legal knowledge, this article only make superficial research, deep studies should go on in the further.

  • 【分类号】D913;D912.28
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】959

