

Growth Adaptability of Garden Trees in Saline-alkali Soil of Chongming Agriculture Orchard

【作者】 盛云飞

【导师】 徐迎春;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 滨海盐渍土资源的改良和利用是滨海地区充分利用土地资源,促进经济发展的一个重要方面。为此,本文以上海崇明现代化农业园区的滨海盐渍土为研究对象,调查了园区的土壤状况,对目前该园区所种植的园林树木在不同程度含盐量的盐渍土上的生长适应性进行评价,研究了不同种类园林苗木的耐盐性,土壤改良剂对盐渍土育苗的效果,对今后崇明农业园区搞好绿化具有指导作用。 经测定崇明农业园区耕层土壤的有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量,与全县平均水平相比,养分含量基本特点是缺氮,不缺钾,有机质中等,严重缺磷。有机质、全氮、碱解氮都表现为北六效>北七效>北八效。 园区三个不同区域(北六效、北七效、北八效)土壤的pH值均在8.7以上,为强度碱化土;北六效大田土壤含盐0.06%、北七效0.13%、北八效0.22%,且道路两侧土壤含盐量高于大田土壤,三个区域分别属于基本脱盐、轻度盐化土和中度盐化土类型。 考察园林树木的栽植成活率、若干年后的保存率、株高或胸径的年平均增长量,结果表明,在北六效基本脱盐的土壤上,栾树(Koelreuterria paniculata)的适生性最好,无患子(Sapindus mukurossi)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)次之。美国火炬(Rhus typhina)、马褂木(Liriodendron chinensis)、乐昌含笑(Michelia figo)、银杏(Ginkgobiloba)、金合欢(Acacia farnesiana)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、桂花(Osmanthusfragraos)等树种或者成活率不高,或者保存率明显下降,加上生长较慢等原因,不太适合栽植。 在北七效轻度盐化土上,重阳木(Bischofia polycarpa)、池杉(Taxodium ascendens)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、法国冬青(Viburnum awabuki)、夹竹桃(Neriumindicum)、蜀桧(Sabina chinensis)、栾树(Koelreuterria paniculata)、香花槐(Cladrastiswilsonii)、金丝梅(Hypericum patulum)、海桐(Pittosporum tobira)、意杨(Populus intalia)的适应性均较好,且水杉对盐分含量的适应范围较广,棕榈(Trachycarpus fortunei)仅小苗生长良好,大苗不适合栽植;南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaries)和枫香(Liquidambarformosana)的适应性较差;女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)较适合在轻度盐化土上栽植,不适合在中度盐化土上栽植。祟明农业园区滨海盐渍土上园林树木的生长适应性研究 在北八效中度盐化土上较适宜栽植美国黑杨护叩ulus amer~a)。 在崇明县不同pH值及含盐量的地块(包括园区北八效)上引种栽植6个树种,其耐盐碱能力表现为:杂交柳>良种刺槐>74杨>杂交马褂木》光叶白蜡(凡司以inusbung爹ana)>喜树(ca呷to功eea acumin“阳)。 将园林苗木浸泡在0一0.5%等不同浓度的盐溶液中,调查其存活时间,结果表明,耐盐力的表现为:重阳木>女贞>染树>香樟。 在中度盐碱土上,喷施“康地宝”土壤改良剂后,美国黑杨扦插成活率显著提高,促进苗木的生长。关键词:滨海盐渍土;园林树木;生长适应性

【Abstract】 It is an important item of fully use soil resources and improve economy development that improving and using saline-alkali soil resources in seashore area. So this study was about the saline-alkali soil of the Modern Agriculture Orchard of Chongming in Shanghai. The soil condition, the growth adaptability of garden trees present planted on different salty level soil in the orchard were investigated. The tolerance ability of different kinds of seedling of treest and the effect of soil amelioration on growth of seeding were studied. Above all study will guide the following greening work in Chongming Agriculture Orchard.The content of organic matter, total nitrogen,alkaline nitrogen, valid phosphorus,valid potassium of soil in cultivate layer were determined, compared to average level of coutry, its nutrition characteristic was that nitrogen was deficit, potassium was no deficit, organic matter was moderate, and phosphorus was severely deficit. The orchard have three region, bei liu xiao, bei qi xiao, and bei ba xiao. The content of organic matter, total nitrogen, and alkaline nitrogen of bei liu xiao were higher than bei qi xiao, and then higher than bei ba xiao.The pH and salt content of soil in Chongming Agriculture Orchard were analyzed. Results showed that the pH all of region were more than 8.7, then belonged to heavy alkaline soil. The content of salt of farm soil of bei liu xiao was 0.06%, that of bei qi xiao was 0.13%, and that of bei ba xiao was 0.22%. Furthermore, the salt content of soil beside the road was even higher. Then the three region respectively belonged no salt soil, light degree salty soil, and middle degree salty soil.The viability ratio, survival ratio following several years, and annual average increment of height or diameter of kinds of garden trees were studied. On the no salt soil of bei liu xiao, growth adaptability of Koelreuteria paniculata was best, Sapindus mukurossi and Metasequoia glyptostroboides were better. Rhus typhina, Liriodendron chinensis, Michelis figo, Ginkgo biloba, Acacia farnesiana, Cinnamomum camphora, and Osmanthus fragransadaptability were no good, because of low viability ratio or low survival ratio, and increment of height or diameter were litter.On the light salty soil of bei qi xiao, adaptability of Bischofia polycarpa, Taxodium ascendens, Metasequonia glyptostroboides, Viburnum awabuki, Nerium indicum.Sabina chinensis, Koelreuteria paniculata,Cladrastis wilsonii, Hypericum patulum, Pittosporum tobira, Populus intalia, all were well. And Metasequonia glyptostroboides had a wide limits on adaptability of salt concentration. Only young and little seeding of Trachycarpus fortunei could grow well, but big seedling grew bad. Choerospondias axillaries and Liquidambar formosana could not adapted.Ligustrum lucidum could grow well on light salty soil, but grew bad on middle salty soil.On moderate salty soil of bei ba xiao, Populus americana grew well.Six kinds of garden trees were planted on the different soil region which had different pH and different salt level in Chongming (Bei ba xiao also was a part).Tolerance ability to salt of tree showed that Salix species was best, then was Robinia pseudoacacia, then was 74 Populus and Liriodendron chinensis, Fraxinus bungeana,and Camptotheca acuminate was bad.Seedling of garden trees was soaked in 0-0.5% NaCl solution, and those survival time were studied, different. It showed that tolerance ability to salt was this: Bischofia javanica > Ligustrum lucidum> Koelreuteria paniculata> Cinnamomum camphor a.The amendment of ’Kangdibao’ which was used on the moderate degree salty soil had a more obvious effect on raising survival ratio of Populus americana cutting and advancing the growth.

  • 【分类号】S724
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】489

