

【作者】 曹鉴华

【导师】 陈科贵;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河油田位于新疆塔里木盆地北部地区的沙雅隆起阿克库勒凸起西南部,是近年来在塔北地区发现的超亿吨级的大型油气田。多年的生产实践表明,奥陶系碳酸盐岩是其主要油气储集层。储层岩性为质地较纯的灰岩,储层储集空间为构造活动与岩溶作用形成的孔洞缝系统,包括基质孔隙、裂缝和溶蚀孔洞,其中基质岩块孔隙性差,对储层储集性能贡献不大;储层的主要储渗空间是与岩溶作用有关的溶蚀孔洞和由构造应力作用形成的构造缝和构造溶蚀缝。由于这种储层具有复杂的孔隙空间结构、特殊的成岩作用及碳酸盐岩本身极强的非均质性,给测井解释带来了极大的挑战,尤其是在缺乏成像测井资料时;及时有效地研究建立一套缝洞型复杂碳酸盐岩储层常规测井评价技术具有重要的实际应用价值。 本文即将从常规测井角度展开对这种复杂储层的评价研究。论文主要分两部分。第一部分主要是介绍复杂碳酸盐岩储层测井研究的有关理论基础,包括论文的第二章。论文从碳酸盐岩的岩石物理性质着手,从测井学的基本理论出发,结合有关数学、地质、物理基础知识,介绍碳酸盐岩的基本特点,分析测井资料与裂缝性储层的各种地质特性之间的联系,就测井识别裂缝、溶洞作了一定的阐述,同时对研究过程中将要用到的有关数学方法进行介绍,奠定整个研究工作的理论基础。第二部分主要开展塔河油田奥陶系复杂碳酸盐岩储层的测井综合解释及评价,包括论文的第三、四、五、六、七章。论文针对塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层的实际特点,研究探讨常规测井曲线与裂缝、溶蚀孔洞等储层储集地质特性之间的有效联系,建立了针对具有多重孔隙结构的复杂孔隙介质测井解释模型,利用常规测井曲线成功地识别了碳酸盐岩多种储集类型,并建立了该地区的储层参数计算模型,同时对储层进行相关的测井评价,包括缝洞发育程度的估算和储层含流体性质的判别,并就研究区块复杂储层的分布特征进行了分析描述,建立了一套适于本区且具有一定推广应用价值的复杂碳酸盐岩储集体的测井解释与评价方法。

【Abstract】 The Tahe oil field is located in the southwest of the Akekule lobe of the Shaya heave, which belongs to the north area of the Talimu basin. It is a large-scale reservoir discovered in recent years with more than 100 million reserves. For the reservoir, the Ordovician carbonate is the main oil-bearing layer that has been proved by years of production. The studied carbonate is mainly composed of limestone with the percentage up to 99%. Peculiarly, the carbonate reserve space is proved to be composed of the complicated pore-fracture-cave system that formed from the tectogenesis and karsification. The pore spaces include matrix pore, fracture and karst cave, of which the matrix pore has low porosity and poor permeability and contribute little to the reservoir, while the fracture and karst cave become the main reserve and permeable spaces and have great effect on the reservoir. It is a great challenge for the well-logging interpreters to evaluate on such reservoir that has complex pore structure and special diagenesis and serious anisotropism of the carbonate itself, especially when there has no image logging data, such as FMI for help, so that it is of important practical value to effectively and timely study and set up one set of conventional logging evaluation technique for such kind of complex carbonate reservoir.The thesis is just from this kind of point of view. It mainly consists of two parts. The first part is of importance, for it will be viewed as the theoretical foundation of the whole work, and the main content includes some basic but key theories related to the complex carbonate reservoir. The theories also include the relations between the carbonate reservoir and the logging response and introduce some achievements and conclusions from the former experts in the logging interpretation filed. At the end of this part some mathematical methods will be introduced, including the regression approach, Shannon entropy, the wavelet neural networks, etc. The second part is the key content of this thesis, which is composed of the 3rd chapter, the 4th chapter, the 5th chapter, the 6th chapter and the 7th chapter. Some basic information related to the studied area will be introduced first. And then combined with the practical conditions of the studied carbonate reservoir, the thesis has analyzed the logging response character of fractures and karst caves, especially the identification of the karst cave reservoir from the conventional logging curves. The complex pore media model has then been set up and used to evaluate the carbonate reservoir, including the reservoir type identification by conventional logging and the reservoir parameters calculation, such as porosity, water saturation and permeability, etc. And the complex pore media model and the parameters calculation models have been applied to the Ordovician carbonate reservoir of the Tahe oil field. Some evaluations related to the carbonate reservoir have been done in the work, including the fracture development degree estimation and the fluid property identification. The thesis has also analyzed and plotted the planar distribution figures of the reservoir parameters and the karst cave reservoir. The detailed description for their vertical and planar distribution character has been given in the thesis. One set of the conventional logging evaluation methods on the complex carbonate reservoir with frature-karst cave has been set up. It is for the Tahe oil field and also can be applied to other areas that has similar kind of reservoir.

  • 【分类号】P631.8
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2597

