

【作者】 罗寿兵

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 昌吉背斜地处准噶尔盆地南缘第一排背斜带,是有利的油气构造圈闭。但一直以来,由于背斜本身构造复杂,加上地表条件不利于地震资料采集等其它原因,背斜的构造问题成了制约油气勘探的首要问题。 本文以现代构造地质学先进理论——断层相关褶皱理论为基础,以基于模型的构造解释方法为指导,以平衡剖面、地震正演模拟和三维可视化技术为手段,结合地表露头、钻井资料,对昌吉背斜的地震剖面进行了构造精细解析,主要取得了以下几点认识: 1、昌吉背斜是因为三角构造楔的楔入而生成的褶皱背斜。 2、从构造形态上看,昌吉背斜东西两段存在明显差异,三角构造楔前锋楔入不同的构造软弱层,是这种差异形成的根本原因。昌吉背斜东西两段的构造转换关系表现为背斜中部的横推断层。 3、三角构造楔内部的突发构造是形成背斜南翼陡、北翼缓的根本原因。 4、背斜深部的低角度逆冲断层以‘前展式’向前分支,在背斜西段形成叠瓦状推覆构造,在背斜东段形成堆垛式双重构造。

【Abstract】 The ChangJi anticline lies in the first anticline belt of south of Junggar basin, it is a good oil and gas trap. But by now, because of its complicated structure and the bad surface conditions to obtain seismic data, the structure question becomes the first question that we must to resolve in order to find hydrocarbon.This thesis bases on the advanced theory of modern tectonics -fault related fold theory, and directed by the interpretation method that grounds on model, with the help of balanced cross section technique, seismic forward model and 3D visual technique, unites the other data such as outcrop and well drilling data, we interpreted the seismic data of ChangJi anticline in detail. The following conclusions are gained:1. The main reason of ChangJi anticline form is the wedging of triangle zone.2. There is difference at structure character between the east of anticline and the west of anticline, the reason is triangle zone wedged into different incompetent layer in east and west. The conversion between east and west is a tear fault.3. The pop-up structure causes the south limb of anticline is steeper than the north limb of anticline.4. The low angle thrust fault at section bottom branched forward in piggy-back thrusting style, in the west of anticline they become imbricated thrust structure; in the east of anticline they become antiformal duplex structure.The south of Junggar basin; ChangJi anticline; Fault-bend fold;Triangle zone; Balanced cross section; Structural model

  • 【分类号】P542
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】397

