

【作者】 宋昀钦

【导师】 刘多;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医学院 , 中西医结合临床, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 乳腺增生病,即乳腺结构不良症,是妇女常见的一种既非炎症亦非肿瘤的乳腺疾病。本病常以乳房周期性或非周期性疼痛及不同表现的乳房肿块为主要症状,好发于30-45岁的中年妇女。本病病因及发病机理尚未完全明了。但目前从一些临床现象的解析认为与内分泌的失衡有密切关系。西医治疗本病多以性激素类药物治疗,不但疗效不确切,而且副作用大,甚至有可能诱发癌变。病变的局部切除复发率高,且损伤很大,不容易被患者接受。而中医药治疗本病有其独特的优势。 根据中医理论及长期的临床实践观察,我们认为乳腺增生病的基本病机为肝郁痰凝和冲任失调。其中肝郁痰凝又是本病发生的最主要、最基本的病机。我们采用赵尚华教授研制的“逍遥蒌贝胶囊”治疗乳腺增生病肝郁痰凝证取得良好的治疗效果。为从临床角度进一步观察逍遥蒌贝胶囊对乳腺增生病肝郁痰凝证的治疗效果,并探讨其作用机理,特开展本次临床研究。本次研究表明,本方对乳腺增生病肝郁痰凝证患者具有肯定疗效,能够明显改善临床症状,降低雌二醇(E2)、血清泌乳素(PRL),相对升高孕酮(P),抑制或逆转腺体增生。

【Abstract】 Cyclomastopathy, commonly seen among women about 30-45 years old, is neither inflammation nor cancer. It is manifested as periodical or non-periodical pain or the lump in the mammary. The pathogenic factors and pathogenesis of it are still unknown. However, it may be closely correlated with imbalance of endocrine according to the analysis of clinical manifestations. It is routinely treated with sexual hormone or something, which may lead to side effect or no definite good result. It sometimes even causes cancer. The impairment is serious and recurrence rate is high. Compared with biomedical method, TCM way of treating is acceptable in dealing with the disease.According to TCM theory and long clinical observation, it was believed that the pathogenesis of cyclomastopathy is liver qi depression and phlegm stasis and the disorders of chong and ren meridians, among which liver qi depression and phlegm stasis is the main cause. Xiaoyaoloubei capsule made by professor Zhao Shanghua was applied to cyclomastopathy with liver qi depression and phlegm stasis syndrome and positive result was obtained. In order to make a further observation and study of the capsule, the research on its effect was carried out. The capsule was effective on cyclomastopathy and greatly improved the symptom of the disease. It lowered E2, PRL and improved P, inhibited the overgrowth of mammary gland.

  • 【分类号】R271.44
  • 【下载频次】123

