

【作者】 宛延

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 项目管理作为管理学科中成长性最快的一个分支,已经更加广泛地应用到企业管理之中,最重要的表现就是对企业管理进行全方面的项目管理改造。流程管理是企业管理的基石。企业运行于流程之中,企业所有的经营管理以及业务活动都表现为各种流程。企业流程管理最终决定企业价值和目标的实现,决定企业资源配置的绩效和实际收益。本文所涉及的企业--中仪国际招标公司原为中国仪器进出口总公司直属子公司,专业从事国际、国内招标业务和进出口贸易,是国家认证批准最早从事国际招标业务的专业外贸公司之一,具有商务部批准的国际招标甲级资质、财政部批准的外国政府贷款项目采购资格和政府采购资格、建设部批准的工程招标甲级资格和经贸委批准的国债技改项目招标甲级资格等招标资质。随着2000年我国《招投标法》的颁布实施,招投标业务在国内得到了蓬勃发展,新的业务发展形势要求公司必须加强公司业务管理、提高管理水平,制订一套有效的公司业务管理办法和流程成为公司管理工作上一项重要的课题和工作任务。本文作者受中仪国际招标公司领导班子的委托主持编制了《中仪国际招标公司业务管理流程》,目前《流程》经中国仪器进出口总公司审核批准开始执行。《流程》的编制应用了项目管理体系观念,参考应用了EMBA学习期间所学知识,尤其是张杰教授的《生产与运作管理》的相关知识。《流程》确立了企业按项目资金来源进行专业化经营的经营方向,对企业组织结构和资源进行了相应的调整和重新分配,按照标准化的要求,尽可能的应用直观表达的方式编制了业务流程。业务流程的设计以集中领导、分级管理的原则,以“一单两卷”的程序性文件为主线,以部门横向协调为辅助监督手段,按业务实际工作步骤和时间进程,通过在三个业务层面的四个闭环设计,以及对业务流程关键节点的监控,实现对项目的有效管理和业务信息资源的最大保护。经过企业实际工作的检验,《流程》达到了公司提出的目标要求,被批准成为中仪国际招标公司ISO9000质量管理体系中业务管理的核心文件。有效的管理是动态的管理,作为管理文件的《流程》将在实践中不断进行修订和完善,更好地为企业实现发展战略目标服务。

【Abstract】 The Project Management, as the fastest growing branch of the Study of Management, has been applied widely in the field of the Enterprise Management.The most important represtation of PM is to rebuild the Enterprise Management in the roud.The foundation of the Project Management is the Procedure Management. Companies operate their business in procedure. All of the management and operation in business show in the way of different kinds of procedure. The Procedure Management decides the value of enterprise and the realization of the final object of enterprise. It can also decide the performance of the enterprise resouce configuration and the actual proceeds.Instrimpex International Tendering Company, which is involved in the thesis, is a subsidiary troop of China National Instruments Import & Export Corporation, engages the international & national tendering business and international trading business. Instrimpex International Tendering Company is one of the companies that acquire the state-qualification in the early time of doing international tendering business. The state-qualification comprises the first-grade qualification issued by Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C.of International Tendering, the first-grade qualification issued by Ministry of Finance of P.R.C.of International Tendering for the projects financed by Foreign Government’s loan and the Government Procurement projects, the first-grade qualification issued by Ministry of Construction of P.R.C.of International Tendering for the construction project, and the first-grade qualification issued by National Development and Reform Commision of P.R.C.of International Tendering for the project financed by National Loans.In accompany with the promulgation of the Law of Tendering in 2000, the tendering business gain a healthy development. The new situation urges the company to srengthen and improves the business management. Drawing up an effective management regulation and business operating procedure will be an important task in the enterprise management.The auther of the thesis was appointed by the leader of the company to compile the Operating Procedure of Instrimpex International Tendering Company. As a result, the “Procedure” has been approved to operate in actual business.The “Procedure” was organized by the ideas of Project Management Body of Knowledge, and the knowledge from MBA, especially those from Production Operation Management teached by Professor Zhangjie.“Procedure” defines the direction of business specialization should be established on the basis of finance source of project, and the company’s orginazation and business resource was adjusted accordingly. In accordance with the requirement of the idea of standard, the mostly procedure was given expresssion in the form of chart and graph.The procedure’s design follows a principle of the centralize-control combining authorization classfication, build two key files of one sheet and two files as the main index, ask for the assistance from the transverse communication, design four closed chain in three business lay in accordance with the operating approach and schedule, strenghen the control of key point, to aim the object of effective management and protecting the business information resources against destroy.By the test in practice, “Procedure” achive the object basically and was approved to be the key file in ISO9000 system of Instrimpex International Tendering Company.An effective management shall be in dynamic. As a management file, “Procedure”should be corrected constantly to support service for the achivement of the enterprise’s developing object.

  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】411

