

Compared with Research of the Government Procurement Law System

【作者】 曹景杰

【导师】 赵丽君;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 政府采购(Government Procurement),也称公共采购,是指各级国家机关、事业单位和团体组织,使用财政性资金采购集中采购目录以内,采购限额标准以上的货物、工程和服务的行为。政府采购法是调整政府采购法律关系,规范政府采购行为的法律制度。政府采购法是经济法学重要的组成部分,并以其社会本位性、宏观调控性和兼具实体法和程序法的特性成为国家协调经济运行的重要法律制度。 政府采购在西方国家已实行了二百多年,形成了一整套完备的运作程序与制度规则,而我国在理论和实务方面均处于起步阶段。本文从政府采购的起源及发展、理论渊源、定义等内容入手,对政府采购的性质、适用范围、法律关系、合同制度、救济制度等方面,用法理学、法历史学、经济分析等研究手段,通过世界各国和地区政府采购法律制度的比较研究,对建立和完善我国政府采购法律制度经行了探讨。分析我国现行采购法律制度存在的缺欠,探究其在定性归属、采购主体、合同制度、法律救济等方面的立法完善。

【Abstract】 Corruption has become the social effects of pollution, harm seriously to the process of reform and opening to the outside world, as well as to the normal order of politics, economy and culture. Now it shows increasing damage and disruption to the progress of cultural and ethical civilization and a relatively comfortable society. If we do not take resolute measures to punish the corruption, the relationship of blood and fresh between the Party and the people would be impaired, the situation of being in the office of the Party would be lost, and the Party has the possibility to be destroyed by himself. Preventing and opposing corruption resolutely is not only the important political struggle, but also a significant political task.For opposing the corruption, instruction is the basis, legal system gives it the guarantee, and supervision is taken as the key point. In the new situation, the key point for treating corruption lies in establishing a complete supervision system. Taking how to establish the complete supervision system as the key point, how to treat and punish the corruption as the starting point, this thesis discusses the significance and function of enhancing the supervision from three aspects after summing up the historical experiences and lessons, also after learning some reasonable elements from western politics. The three aspects are supervision within the party, supervision by National People’s Congress, and administrative supervision with the principle of consistency to the facts.

  • 【分类号】D912.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】547

