

Development and Application of Agroforestry Decision Support System Based on GIS

【作者】 郑床木

【导师】 蔡崇法;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土壤学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 农林复合经营是广大丘陵山区人们为了满足农林产品的自给、控制土壤侵蚀、合理利用资源和实施可持续发展而采用的一种综合的土地利用系统。由于农业经营者和基层管理人员对作物与树种的搭配模式、树种要求的环境条件、树种和作物组成系统后能够提供的产品、生态效益和要求的管理措施缺乏了解,在农林复合经营的推广、规划设计与管理过程中存在不合理的问题,影响了其应用发展。本研究通过树种调查,利用决策支持系统(decision support system)的有关理论和原则,结合地理信息系统(geographic information system)技术进行环境条件的分析,开发出集成的决策支持系统,为农林复合经营规划、设计、决策服务。在系统开发与应用中,有如下主要的特点: 1) 建立了基于GIS的农林复合经营决策支持系统。系统将数据库、模型库、方法库和知识库有效集成在一起,提高了数据读取、传递和评价结果输出的效率。本系统可以向农业经营者和基层管理人员介绍农林复合经营模式、土地利用潜力和优势,帮助他们进行合理的生产经营活动,促进山区农林业的发展。在研究区域试运行的输出结果显示对该区农林复合经营有很好的参考价值。 2) 确定了农林复合经营规划设计过程中,选择适宜树种需要考虑的各种参数。并通过系统设计的人机交互界面和多菜单选项可供用户方便地选择这些参数,根据用户输入的参数,系统可查询出符合要求的树种,并在区域内进行适应性评价,为用户提供决策支持。系统还融合了地理信息系统技术,整合了环境数据,实现了区域各种环境条件的空间显示,使得区域农林复合经营规划设计从传统的以经验为核心的模式逐渐向以专家知识为核心的模式发展,为农林复合经营决策提供了新手段和新方法。 3) 通过专家调查访问,用户需求反馈,获取了大量农林复合经营规划设计知识,把获取的信息进行了计算机表达,建立了查询与推理机制。通过VB语言将知识和推理机有机的融入了模型库并与模型相结合,简化了系统结构,提高了运行效率。 4) 系统开发采用模块化的方式,集成专业模型组件,建立了具有广泛适应性和可扩充性的决策支持系统,通过模型库管理系统可以添加更多的模型。也可以通过修改属性和空间数据库,将系统应用于其它区域。

【Abstract】 Agroforestry is a comprehensive land use system, which can bring farmers economic benefits, control soil erosion, utilize the land resource reasonably and maintain its sustainable development during empoldering the hilly and mountainous slope land resource. There are some issues in agroforestry design according to farmers and agricultural managers lack of information, such as different agroforestry types, ecological conditions that the trees require, and also know little about products and environmental services which are provided by agroforestry system, management practices that the system needs. In this study, we developed an integrative decision support system through field survey, principal of Decision Support System and Geographical Information System for agroforestry design and decision. The main works were as follows:1) Development of GIS-based Decision Support System for agroforestry design. The system effectively integrated database, module base, method base and knowledge base, improve the efficiency of data access, exchange and output of result. Particularly, the system can impart farmers and agricultural managers about agroforestry potential, help them to carry out agroforestry practice reasonably. The result showed it was a useful tool by testifying in the study area.2) Enough parameters were confirmed for selecting appropriate trees in agroforestry design. With a user-friendly map interface and multi-menu, the user can select them conveniently, and then the system searches the appropriate trees and values the suitability of the selected trees in the studied area. GIS was integrated in the system, and plentiful data of ecological conditions were collected. System can easily display these data in map format, thus agroforestry design is based on expert knowledge instead of traditional experience.3) A large amount pf knowledge about agroforestry design was obtained by consulting expert and users’ feedback, and represented in computer language format, then rules were built for selecting appropriate trees. Knowledge and inference machine were incorporate into module base, which can simplify the structure and improve efficiency.4) The system is built with a modular and flexible framework in which many specialists modules were incorporated. Adaptability and expansibility are characteristics of the system, and more modules can be appended thought the module base management system. The system can easily be applied other regions by modifying the attributedatabase and spatial database.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】266

