

The Laboratory Rearing and Predatory Capacity of the Predatory Bug, O.Sauteri (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)

【作者】 邹卫辉

【导师】 雷朝亮; 张帆;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 动物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 东亚小花蝽是一种有效的温室害虫的捕食性天敌。目前因人工饲养技术不成熟而未能得到有效利用。根据东亚小花蝽的食性特点,本文筛选出两种人工饲料,并用生命表方法对冻干粉饲料的有效性进行了评价。测定了温度、光照和相对湿度在东亚小花蝽人工饲养中的影响。通过对成虫低温短光照预处理以延长冷藏寿命。对东亚小花蝽数值反应和对猎物偏好性的研究为其田间释放提供理论依据。主要结果如下: 1.室内用意蜂雄蜂蛹冻干粉饲料和柞蚕卵赤眼蜂蛹连续3代饲喂东亚小花蝽,测定了两种饲料对东亚小花蝽若虫生长发育和成虫生殖力以及成虫寿命的影响,结果表明取食赤眼蜂蛹的东亚小花蝽若虫死亡率高,平均为23.9%,各代死亡率、单雌产卵量之间差异均显著;随饲养代数增加,单雌产卵量急剧下降。取食冻干粉饲料的东亚小花蝽,若虫平均死亡率为19.3%,各代发育历期基本相同,虽然成虫生殖力逐代下降,但下降幅度不明显。 2.应用生命表方法全面评价了意蜂雄蜂蛹冻干粉饲料对东亚小花蝽的饲养效果,分析了人工饲料饲养效果的影响因子。结果表明饲料的营养和剂型是东亚小花蝽若虫死亡的主要原因。营养不完全适合致使若虫发育期缩短,成虫个体变小,雌雄性比偏低,单雌产卵量降低。饲料微颗粒易吸潮成糊状,若虫取食时容易被粘住淹死。但总体来看,取食饲料的小花蝽若虫死亡率低,与对照无显著差异;成虫获得率率高。所获成虫个体虽小,但活动能力没有明显降低。如果若虫期饲喂饲料,成虫期改喂豆蚜,小花蝽成虫生殖力能够明显提高,产卵量也大大提高。 3.在室内不同温度、光照和相对湿度条件下测定了东亚小花蝽卵和若虫的死亡率、发育历期以及成虫生殖力和寿命。结果表明,温度是影响东亚小花蝽卵、若虫生长发育和成虫生殖力的主要因子。20℃~30℃,卵孵化所需时间从7.9d减少至2.5d,若虫平均发育历期从24.9d减少至8.0d;20℃~25℃,若虫死亡率为18.6%~20.6%,30℃时死亡率为24.8%~28.7%,显著高于20℃和25℃时的死亡率。相对湿度对卵孵化率有很大影响,RH为55%时,卵孵化率均最低。短光照主要在低温下才对雌虫生殖力产生影响。雌虫在20℃和11h光照条件下不产卵;25℃以上,所有短光照下的雌成虫全部产卵。此外,短光照对若虫发育有促进作用,但作用不明显。 4.冷藏前经过不同预处理的东亚小花蝽成虫和卵的冷藏试验表明:在15±1℃,华中农业大学硕士学位论文004届8L:16D条件下预处理的雌成虫,其冷藏寿命均较18士1℃,10L:14D和21士1℃,12L:12D条件下的以及对照的成虫寿命显著为长。经15士1℃,8L:16D预处理7d (雌成虫)或ld(雄成虫)后进行黑暗冷藏(10℃),有利于延长东亚小花蜷的冷藏寿命,提高冷藏存活率。雄成虫预处理1一7d后,冷藏寿命从8.7d降为4.3d,50%和70%个体死亡的时间分别为7.3d和Io.7d。雌成虫经15士1℃,SL:16D预处理7d后进行冷藏,40d内其冷藏存活率都明显高于预处理1一5d的冷藏存活率;50%个体死亡的时间为43.6d,70%个体死亡的时间为50.5d。短期冷藏(蕊10d)对小花蜷的产卵能力影响不明显。冷藏期11d以内,卵孵化率保持60%以上。冷藏期超过15d,雌虫产卵量迅速下降,冷藏Zld仅有13.9%的卵可以孵化 5.在田间调查了首稽、番茄、黄瓜和甜玉米上东亚小花蜷和猎物(蓟马、蚜虫和粉虱)的自然种群动态,结果表明小花蜻在黄瓜和番茄上是行为型数值反应,而在首楷和玉米上则主要是生殖型数值反应。室内选择试验结果表明东亚小花蜻对不同寄主植物上的同种粉虱捕食量差异显著。黄瓜上粉虱的被捕食量显著大于番茄上粉虱的被捕食量。同种寄主植物上的温室粉虱的被捕食量显著高于烟粉虱的被捕食里巨。

【Abstract】 O. sauteri was an efficient polyphagous predator in greenhouse. But it was not still biocontrol agent available in market because of the unsuccessful artificial diets and rearing methods. According to the predatory property of O. sauteri, two artificial diets were selected and the efficiency of frozen powder of male pupae of Apis mellifera Lwas assessed by the life table’ method. The effects of temperature, day-length and relevant humility on the development and reproduction were measured. The adult pretreatment contributed to cold storage. The study of numerical response and preference of O. sauteri to prey provided theoridical base for field releasing of O. sauteri. The main results were as follow:1 . Development, reproductive, and adult longevity of O. sauteri were studied for 3 generations in the laboratory using the frozen powder of male pupae of A. mellifera and Trichogramma ostriniae pupae in Anther aea pernyi eggs as prey. The mortality and per female fecundity of O. sauteri reared T. ostriniae pupae was 23.9%, and differed significantly between each generation. Per female fecundity decreased sharply with the generation. The mean mortality of O. sauteri fed on frozen powder was 19.3%; the developmental time of each generation was similar. There was no significant decrease scope among each generation although female fecundity decreased with the rearing time.2. The efficiency of frozen powder on O. sauteri was evaluated through the life table method and the major factors influencing the rearing efficiency were analyzed. The results showed the nutrition and form of the artificial diet causing high mortality were the main reasons. O. sauteri fed on frozen powder suffered short developmental time, smaller size of adult body, a little lower sex ration( female/ male) and less fecundity. The frozen powder absorbing humidity easily became muddy and led nymph to be drowned. In the whole, however, the mortality didn’t differ significantly with the control; the emergency rate was high. The size of adult body individual was a little smaller, but the predatory ability remained strong and active. When O. sauteri reared artificial diets during nymph and aphids during adult, the reproduction of O. sauteri increased significantly.3. The development and reproduction of O. sauteri were studied at 3 constant temperature, 3 day-lengths and 3 relevant humidity (RH). The temperature significantly affected development of both egg and nymph. The duration of egg developmentdecreased significantly with each increase in temperature, which took 7.9 and 2.5 days at 20 "C and 30 C, respectively. Total nymph developmental time decreased significantly with the increase of the temperature.lt was 24.9 and 8.0 days at 20 C and 30 C, respectively. The nymph mortality ranged between 18.6%~20.6% at 20 C ~25 C, which was significantly lower than that at 30 C( 24.8%~28.7%). The RH had great effect on the egg survivorship and hatchability, both of which were lowest at RH55%. The short day-length affected female reproduction slightly only under low temperature. The female adult did not lay eggs both at 20 C and llh day-length. But when the temperature was above 25 C, all female adult laid eggs at all short day-length. In addition, the nymphal development period was shorter under short day-length than long day-length. But there was no significant difference between them.4.The effect of pretreatment (low temperature and short day-length) on O.sauteri adult longevities was determined. The longevity of female adult reared under 1 5 1 C,8L:16D before cold storage was longer than that under 18 + 1 C,10L:14D and 21 1 C,12L:12D. Moreover, through this pretreatment, the survivorship of female adult reared for 7days was significantly higher than that reared for l~5d. The time of 50% and 70% individuals’ death was 43. 6d and 50. 5d respectively. The longevity of male adult reared for only Id was 8.7d, but it reduced by 4.3d when reared for 7d. The survivorship of 50% and 70% individuals’ death was 7.3d and 10. 7d respectively. The short p

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