

The Application of Ploypylene Pipnline Against Corrosion in Alkaline Residue Treatment Unit

【作者】 阮中伟

【导师】 苑会林;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 材料工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 碱渣处理装置是炼化企业一套重要的环保生产装置,由于该装置生产过程中工艺管线充满了腐蚀性极强的介质,经常发生因腐蚀泄漏而导致装置停工停产的情况,虽采用多种腐蚀防护技术措施,但防腐效果一直不明显。本文分析了碱渣处理腐蚀介质组成,对金属的腐蚀机理及所采取的对策。着重研究了玻璃纤维聚丙烯塑料的结构与应用性能。通过对玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯管件的研究开发和试用,我们认为这种管件具有优良的防腐性能和综合可利用性能,对碱渣处理装置工艺操作条件有很强的适应性。尤其是钢塑复合(碳钢与玻纤增强聚丙烯塑料复合)管件,不仅能满足防腐要求,也能具备了高强度、抗老化、耐温变等特性,安装简单,操作容易,在经济上也非常合理。在我厂碱渣处理装置二年多的实际应用充分说明了其可以代替不锈钢在酸性水系统全面推广使用。当然,玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯管件包括钢塑管件在使用过程中也存在一定问题,如耐高温性能有待提高等,这些弱点在一定程度上给工业化操作带来一些困难,这些就需要科技人员今后进一步研究开发性能更全面的管件。 <WP=3>玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯塑料管在碱渣处理装置的应用保证了装置生产安全平稳进行,创造了巨大的经济效益的同时也使我们周围的环境更加美好,达到环保生产装置变废为宝的目的。为炼化企业同类装置防腐工作提供了有益的经验。

【Abstract】 Alkaline residue treatment unit is an important producing unit for environment protection in petrochemical works. During the daily processing, the pipeline of this unit is full of strong corrosive. So it takes place often that the unit shuts down for the leaking of the corroded pipeline. Although many kinds of anticorrosive measure are taken , the result is not notable.In this paper, we analyze the constituent of corrosive in alkaline residue treatment unit, the corrosion mechanism and the taken measures. We study the structure and function of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene (FRPP) plastics. By the research and trial run the FRPP pipeline, we think that the pipeline has good anticorrosive function, comprehensive utilization and high <WP=5>adaptability to the processing condition of the unit. Inner plastics (FRPP) clad steel tube not only meets the need against corrosion, but also has the high intensity and the function of ageing-resistant and temperature-resistant. It is easy to fix and operate and reasonable in economy for the tube. The application of this tube in louyang petrochemical complex alkaline residue treatment unit proves that it can replace stainless steel tube and can be used wind-ranging in the acid water system of the unit.Of course, in the processing of application of FRPP tube (also inner plastics clad steel tube ) has some problems, such as temperature-resistant is not enough. These problems cause some difficulties in industrial processing and control. Scientific research personnel are required to research the high grade tube to meet the needs.The glass fiber reinforced polypropylene plastics tube we used in alkaline residue treatment unit guarantee the processing safe and steady. It brings us great economy benefits and <WP=6>beautifies our surroundings better. The goal of changing waste to treasure for environment protection unit is realized. Our study will also supply useful experience to the same domestic unit.

  • 【分类号】TG174
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

