

The Influence of Different Shape’s Figure on 4-7 Years Old Children’s Size Perception

【作者】 焦丽梅

【导师】 阴国恩;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究考察了图形形状对4-7岁儿童大小知觉的影响,并探讨了随年龄的增长,儿童大小知觉的变化趋势。本研究主要包括两部分实验,实验一为面积为等差序列的一套圆,面积相同的正三角形、正方形、正五边形各一个;实验二为面积为等差序列的圆形、正三角形、正方形、正五边形各一套,两实验均为独立组混合设计。被试选自锦州市区幼儿园、小学4-7岁儿童共128人,男女各半,被试年龄为实龄上下三个月,视力、听力、智力均无异常,各年龄组每个被试进行完实验一再进行实验二。研究得出以下结论:1.图形形状对4-7岁儿童的大小知觉的影响差异显著。正三角形对儿童大小知觉的影响最大,正方形次之,正五边形最小。2.儿童的年龄对不同形状图形大小知觉的判断差异的影响不显著。3.图形形状对圆和正三角形大小知觉的差别阈限的影响差异显著,正三角形的差别阈限大于圆的差别阈限。4.圆形和正三角形大小知觉的差别阈限各年龄段间差异显著,年龄越大差别阈限越小,即年龄越大,儿童对不同图形大小的判别越精确。

【Abstract】 This research investigated that the different shape figure has influence on 4 -7 years old children’s size perception , and inquiried into variety trend on size perception with the increasing age.The research consisted of two experiments.Experiment 1 objective figure is for a set of circulars with area of an ordered series of numbers of the grade, the equilateral triangles of the same area, exact squares and regular pentagons, for each.Experiment 2 objective figure is for circulars, equilateral triangles, exact squares and regular pentagons,one set for each.Subjects come from the Jinzhou kindergardens,128 people of prammary school 4-7 years old , each half of male and female.The accurate age is within the limits which is three months younger or older than the real age.Sight, hearing and intelligence are all normal.Each age set is examined by Experiment 1, then Experiment 2.Through the research the conclusions are the following:First, The figure shape significantly influenced 4-7 years old children’s size perceptkm.The equilateral triangles influenced the children’s size perception first, the exact squares secondly, the regular pentagons last.Second, The age hadly showed the significantly influence of the judgment of children’s shape size perception.Third, The figure shapes significantly influenced the children’s size perception difference threshold to the circulars and the equilateral triangles.The equilateral triangles’ difference threshold is stronger than that of the circulars.on the the regular pentagons’ accurate degree is the first, exact squares are the second, the accurate degree in equilateral triangles is the lowest.Last, the age obviously influenced the children’s size perception difference threshold to the circulars and the equilateral triangles.The older, the lower.That is, with the increase of the age, the children’s judgement to the different figure size becomes more accurate.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】378

