

A Study on Foreign Relations during the Regent DaeWonGoon in ChoSun Dynasty of Korea

【作者】 朴姿映

【导师】 金成镐;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪中叶以来,欧美资本主义列强接连打开东亚三国中的中国、日本两国的门户时,朝鲜继续奉行闭关锁国政策。封建朝鲜的传统外交是同中国和日本的事大交邻外交。朝鲜王朝三代60余年的‘势道政治’,使国内政治混乱,经济落后,人民生活贫困。在此种内忧外患时期执政的大院君,对内进行改革,对外坚持锁国攘夷政策。 现在,人们普遍认定大院君是一位顽固的封建锁国主义者。本人认为,锁国攘夷政策,与其说是大院君的主观意志,不如说是当时朝鲜的主、客观诸多条件和原因所决定的。因此,本论文试图通过对大院君与欧美列强的外交关系做进一步的研究,深入探讨锁国攘夷政策的客观必然性问题。 本论文由绪论、正文、结论组成。 绪论部分主要论述了本课题的研究动机、选题意义、国内外研究现状及本文的研究范围和重点要解决的问题等。 正文部分共由五章组成。 第二章主要论述了19世纪前期朝鲜国内外形势和大院君的对内改革内容。第一节论述大院君执政前的国内外情况,是内忧外患加重的时期。第二节论述大院君实施的对内改革政策。一是为了强化王权而实施的“以才择官,四色平等”的人才政策和政治机构的整顿,以及不顾百姓的怨声而重建景福宫等。二是实施安定民生政策,即税制改革和整顿书院的措施,加强了中央对地方的统治力。 第三章主要论述了朝鲜与清朝和日本的传统外交关系。第一节论述朝鲜传统的事大外交和大院君执政时期朝中两国关系的时代特点。第二节论述朝鲜与日本传统的交邻关系和大院君执政前后时期朝日两国关系的新变化。 第四章主要论述了朝鲜与法国的关系。第一节论述朝鲜与法国的早期关系,其特点是宗教联系。第二节论述朝鲜镇压天主教以及法国发动的‘丙寅洋扰’过程。第三节论述了‘丙寅洋扰’之后朝鲜与法国的关系。 第五章主要论述了朝鲜与美国的关系。第一节论述朝鲜与美国的早期关系。第二节论述‘舍门号事件’及由此引发的‘辛未洋扰’的过程。第三节论述‘辛未洋扰’和‘丙寅洋扰’的不同之处,及其对朝鲜外交关系发展的影响。 第六章主要论述了朝鲜与俄国的关系。第一节论述俄国对外政策中心转向东亚而与朝鲜接壤的过程。第二节论述朝俄两国早期关系及其特点。第三节论述朝鲜对俄国的认识及对应过程。 结论部分主要论述了大院君的锁国攘夷是基于朝鲜国内诸条件和被迫于国际形势的政策,是为维护国家自主性而采取的一种自卫政策。即一个国家在维护国家独立自主权之后,才能谈论社会经济发展。

【Abstract】 During 19th century, when the Western Capitalistic Movement expanded into Asia and the West was seeking trade with the East, Korea has consistently adopted no-negotiation policy and remained closed. This was due to ’toadyism and good-neighbor policy’ in Korea, which centered on China and Japan. Common people were suffering due to corrupt and complacent government that has been in power for 3 generations over 60 years or so. It was at this time that the Regent HeungSun-DaeWonGoon came into power and played a decisive role in bringing order and enforcing law within the country and choosing to reject all foreign trade apart from China and Japan. For this reason the Regent DaeWonGoon became an infamous seclusionist in the history of Korea. However , his decisions are justifiable given the circumstances of the period and cannot be seen as one man’ s biased opinion. Thus, it is the purpose of this thesis to defend the Regent DaeWonGoon and clear his name.This thesis consists of three parts: introduction, main body followed by conclusion. The introduction describes the motivation of research, meaning of the topic, arrangement, methods and range of the research. The body is made up of 5 chapters.The first chapter describes the political background in which the Regent DaeWonGoon came to power. First section summarises the socialstructure whilst the second section describes the domestic policy adopted by the Regent DaeWonGoon to empower the central government (i.e. the court) as opposed to local government (the Four Factions). He achieved this by impartial employment as well as reorganization of the political structure. This section also looks at the reconstruction of the King’ s Palace (KyungBokGoong) despite the objection of the common people in order to display court splendour and power. Also described in this second section are the new tax system to help the common people and new education system in the local areas, which weakened the local government, thus strengthening the central government.The second chapter shows the relationship between Korea and its immediate neighbours, China and Japan. First section describes the diplomatic relationship between Korea and China before ChoSun Dynasty and during the period in which the Regent DaeWonGoon was able to come into power. Second section centers on the relationship between Korea and Japan just before and after the Regent DeaWonGoon came to power.The third chapter states the relationship between Korea and France. First section gives the background. Second section talks about the Korean-French War as a result of execution of French Catholics in Korea. Third section studies the relationship between Korea and France as a result of this war.The forth chapter declares the relationship between Korea and America. First section again gives a simple background. Second section is a description of the Korean-American War as a result of the General Sherman incident. Third section looks at the failure to open up international trade despite American victory in the War.The fifth chapter declares the relationship between Korea and Russia. First section describes Russian expansion into the East up tothe point of reaching the Korean border. Then the second section is about the approaches taken by the Russians to open negotiation with Korea. Third section is about Korean understanding of unofficial relationship that took place between the two countries.Finally, the conclusion shows that given the above facts, the Regent DeaWonGoon has made a just and discerning judgment to protect the independence of our country before the coming threats of foreign powers, which came in the name of trade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】K312.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】385

