

【作者】 廖红舒

【导师】 周正欧;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 软件无线电技术是近年来提出的一种实现无线通信的新的体系结构。它的基本概念是把硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,而把尽可能多的无线通信及个人通信功能用软件实现。这样无线通信新系统、新产品的开发将逐步转到软件上来,而无线通信的产品价值将越来越多地体现在软件上。这是无线通信领域继固定到移动、模拟到数字之后的第三次革命,并将在下个世纪形成和计算机及程控交换相当的巨大产业。本课题来源于与公司的合作项目——铁路安全监控数据高速移动接入系统,属于其中的软件无线电信号处理部分。其功能是在AD公司的DSP硬件平台上用软件实现一路36Kbps数据的π/4-DQPSK调制解调处理。本文首先介绍π/4-DQPSK调制解调算法中各个模块的实现原理,如:成形滤波、差分解调、位同步,然后介绍作者的具体工作,包括算法的MATLAB性能仿真以及在DSP硬件平台上的系统测试。作者的工作主要包括:1.查阅大量文献,深入了解π/4-DQPSK调制解调原理并在此基础上形成具体的算法。2.利用MATLAB对π/4-DQPSK调制解调算法进行性能仿真,验证算法的可行性。3.在VISUAL DSP环境下编写汇编程序并进行软仿真。4.结合DSP评估板ADSP-21161N EZKIT LITE 对整个调制解调系统进行硬件测试实验。

【Abstract】 Software defined radio (SDR) technology is put forward in resent years as a new system structure applied to wireless communication. Its basic concept is to implement as many as possible communication functions with software technology on a universal hardware platform. Then, the development of new system and new product are transferred from hardware to software. And the relevant value of wireless communication product depends more on software. From this viewpoint, SDR technology is called the third revolution in wireless communication field followed digital communication and mobile communication.This subject is the signal processing part of SDR system which belongs to a cooperative project----High-speed data transfer access system on monitoring railway security----with a company. The major task is to accomplish a π/4-DQPSK software modem whose bit rate is 36kbps on a ADSP hardware platform. In this paper ,the theory of π/4-DQPSK modem ,such as pulse shaping filter ,differential demodulation and bit synchronization are first introduced. Then author’s job is described in detail, including algorithm simulation within MATLAB and the modem system test on a DSP emulator.The following tasks are performed by the author:1.Consulting lots of references and form a full algorithm about π/4-DQPSK software modem.2.Simulating the whole modem algorithm within MATLAB, validating its feasibility.3.Writing assembly program in VISUAL DSP and checking the validity of program.4.Testing the whole modem system on ADSP-21161N EZKIT LITE.

【关键词】 π/4- DQPSK成形滤波位同步DSP
【Key words】 π/4- DQPSKpulse shaping filterbit synchronizationDSP
  • 【分类号】TN76
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】901

