

Study of the Field of Crossed-Field-Anteenas

【作者】 李燕莉

【导师】 丁荣林;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 交叉场天线(Crossed-Field-Antennas)是一种新型的中波天线,它是由单独产生的辐射E场和H场直接合成坡印廷矢量并向外辐射能量的。CFA是一种非谐振天线,与传统的铁塔天线相比,具有尺寸小,占地面积小,传输效率高。而且CFA比铁塔天线有更大的地波辐射,感应场小,电磁兼容友好。因此,CFA提供了中波广播天线小型化的新思路,不仅安装方便,而且广播质量好。本文主要分析CFA的场,及场与尺寸之间的关系。本文利用模拟电荷法及麦克斯韦方程对CFA的场进行仿真和计算,获得CFA的电场,磁场,及合成的坡印廷矢量的分布。考虑到天线尺寸对产生的场有影响,所以我们总结其规律,对设计实际天线提供参考。本文使用变尺度法对模拟电荷法进行了优化,并对选取的模拟电荷进行分析,提出经验化的选法。本文程序采用C++与Matlab语言混合编制,结合两者的优点,既简化了程序又保持了C语言速度快的特点,成为CFA场研究的有力工具。经过大量的计算及理论分析,计算结果与已知结论一致,实现预期目的,证明了所编制的程序的正确性。

【Abstract】 Crossed-Field-Antennas is a new kind of medium wave antenna,its electromagnetic waves are synthesized or captured in a small volume by two separately fed electrode systems,one produces the electric field,and the other produces the magnetic field. CFA is not a resonance antenna. Compares to the traditional antenna,it has many merits, such as small size, hige transmitted efficiency,more ground wave and friendly EMC.In this paper, we will analyse the field of CFA,and the relation of field and size.CFA are calculated with Charge Simulation Method (CSM)and Maxwell equation in this paper. through which we will obtain the electic field,magntic field and Poynting vector.Then the effection of CFA’s size to field can sun up.We use DFP to optimize CSM,and obtain the rule of choosing the charge simulations.The optimization CSM is programmed with the blend of C++ and Matlab languages, which combines the merits of the two languages. So the program is both simple and fast computing, that make it a powerful tool of studying CFA. The esults are accord well with the known conclusion, which prove the validity of the CSM program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN820
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】123

