

SWOT Analysis and Tactical Study of the Institution of Common Higher Education in JiLin Province

【作者】 臧丽

【导师】 王致和;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林省地方普通高等学校发展策略的制定,必须以其特定的内外环境进行全面深入分析为前提。对外在环境的分析就是要找出组织发展可能存在的机会和威胁,对内在环境的分析就是要找出组织自身具备的优势和存在的劣势,这种综合分析方法也是一种系统分析方法,在管理中称为斯沃特(SWOT)分析法。斯沃特(SWOT)分析常用于战略研究。本文应用斯沃特(SWOT)分析法对吉林省地方普通高等学校的内外环境进行分析,在这基础上,提出了吉林省地方普通高等学校的发展对策。 社会经济的快速增长、经济结构的调整和科学技术的发展为吉林省地方普通高等学校的发展创造了良好的发展条件;国家连续几年而且在今后都还将大幅度扩大招生规模,居民的教育消费意识呈不断上升趋势,使吉林省地方普通高等学校的发展空间得以扩大。但随着我国高等教育逐步向世界开放、向市场开放、向社会开放,吉林省地方普通高等学校的办学体制、人才培养模式、教育观念、专业设置将会面临严峻的挑战。 吉林省地方普通高等学校经过几十年的建设,具有了一定的发展实力,并且专业设置比较适应吉林省地方经济和社会发展的需要;吉林省政府又特别重视普通高等教育发展,不断加大对高等教育的改革力度。但我们也应看到吉林省地方普通高等学校总体上办学层次偏低,还没有形成自身的办学特色和学科优势;高素质的教师严重缺乏;办学的环境质量较差。根据上述分析,吉林省地方普通高等学校应抓住机遇,实施多元化投资渠道,加大投资力度;优化重组教育资源;更新教育观念;加强专业建设,形成自身的办学特色和专业优势,提高教学质量,争创特色名校;推进政府依法治校、依法行政,扩大高校办学的自主权,为吉林省地方普通高等学校的发展创造更好的外部环境。

【Abstract】 The formulation of developmental tactics of Institution of local common higher education in JiLin province must be based on thorough and comprehensive analysis to its special internal and external environment. The analysis to the external environment aims at finding potential opportunities and threats to the organizational development, the analysis to the internal environment aims at finding advantages and disadvantage of organization itself. In administration, this comprehensive analytic method as well as a systemic analytic method is called as SOWT analytic method. SWOT analytic method usually used to stratagem investigation. This paper uses SWOT analytic method to analysis the internal and external environment of Institutions of Local Common Higher Education in JiLin Province. On the basis of it, puts forward to the developmental strategies of the Institution of common higher education in JiLin Province. The fast increase of the social economy、 the regulation of the economic structure and the development of science and technology have provided better developmental conditions for the development of institution of local common higher education in JiLin province. The state has enlarged the scale of enrollment for continuous years and will further enlarge in the future. There is an incessant ascending tendency for the citizens in the education consumptive concept. All of these contribute to enlarge the scale of the development of Institution of common higher education in JiLin province. However, as China gradually opens its higher education to the world, to the market and to the society, The Institution of common higher education in JiLin province will face severe challenges in the system of running a school,the patterns of fostering talented persons、 the concept of education、the establishment of majors、the power of the teachers and the resources of the outstanding students.Having experienced several decades of construction, The Institution of common higher education in JiLin province have had developing power and the establishment of the majors are suitable to the need of the local economy and social development in <WP=5>JiLin province The government of JiLin province pays special attention to the development of its Institution of common higher education and continuously strengthens the reform of higher education. However, we should also be aware of the disadvantages of the development in Institution of common higher education. As a whole,we should also observe that the Institution of common higher education in JiLin province are low in rank and has not formed their specialty of running a school and subject superiority, seriously lack of teachers with high quality; The environmental quality of running a school is not well. According to above analysis, The Institution of common higher education in JiLin province should grasp opportunities, proceed investment channel in diverse field, enhance the strength of investment of institution;Optimize and reorganize the resources of education, refresh the concept of education; strengthen subject construction of institution, form specialty of running a school of their own and subject superiority, raise the teaching quality, create the first level all over the world; They should also promote to manage and administer the school by the government according to laws. The autonomy of running a school should be expanded. Better external conditions should be created for the development of the Institution of common higher education in JiLin province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】718

