

Communist Party of China and Traditional Culture for the Yan’an Period

【作者】 黄延敏

【导师】 田海林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深。在中国近代百年史上,面对西方文化的冲击与挑战,如何对待中国传统文化,是先进中国人在探讨救国救民道路上所必须解决的问题。然而,自近代以来,无论是农民革命领袖洪秀全还是资产阶级革命派代表孙中山,无论是地主阶级洋务派还是资产阶级维新派,在对待传统文化问题上:或全盘否定,破字当头,视传统文化为敝履,必欲弃之而后快;或奉若神明,视传统文化为救命稻草,主张存之以维国体;或主张中体西用,虽兼中兼西,然牛身马头,难以融会贯通。由于他们不能科学地对待传统文化,最终影响了其救国救民的事功,其中的教训是深刻的。 延安时期中国共产党形成了科学的新民主主义文化观。在对待中国传统文化问题上:既认清了传统文化被新文化代替的历史必然性,又分析了其现实存在的原因;既主张要继承从孔夫子到孙中山的历史文化遗产,又强调必须将古代封建统治阶级的一切腐朽的东西和古代优秀的人民文化区别开来:既重视对传统文化的学术研究,对其进行适应时代需要的分析与评判;又重视对蒋记国民党、日本侵略者利用中国传统文化的糟粕进行的复古活动进行坚决的斗争;同时,还重视对封建迷信思想的批判与清算。以这种科学文化观为指导,中国共产党在延安时期所进行的传统文化的研究、借鉴与批判,对延安时期加强党的思想理论建设和最终取得新民主主义革命的胜利具有重要的作用,也为建国后党的先进文化建设积累了丰富的经验。 延安时期中国共产党在新民主主义文化观的指导下,为克服党内存在的教条主义,实现马克思主义中国化:为克服党内长期存在的历史虚无主义,建设中华民族新文化;为抗击日本帝国主义的文化侵略,取得抗日战争的最终胜利;为揭穿蒋介石政府统治思想的本质,取得对国民党反动派思想文化斗争胜利:为动员民众,取得最广大人民群众对党的路线、方针、政策的理解和支持;为反对愚昧,破除迷信,建设文明的新社会:加之20世纪30、40年代思想文化界的影响与推助——中国共产党对传统文化在思想上高度重视。在实践上,中国共产党也展开了对传统文化全方位的研究、批判:第一,对儒家、墨家及其他诸子思想的深入研究:第二,对《孙子兵法》、古代著名战例以及农民战争经验教训的批判继承;第三对传统的文学艺术进行批判继承以及对民间艺术形式的搜集、整理;第四,制定了文物保护法规,切实保护文物:第五,对蒋介石政府的封建复古主义、日本侵略者文化侵略以及封建迷信进行了深刻的揭露和批判。 延安时期中共对传统文化的研究、批判、继承与保护,具有强调民族性与时代性的贯通、坚持科学性与革命性的统一,重视人民性、普及性及地域性兼备等特点。 尽管由于延安所处特殊的战争环境以及共产党人的马克思主义理论素养与传统文化功底所限,延安时期中国共产党对传统文化的研究、利用、批判在一定意义上由于过强的政治功利性而忽视科学性、甚至有削足适履、牵强附会等缺憾,但是,这些活动仍具有重要的历史意义:第一,延安时期中共的传统文化研究是实现马克思主义与中国传统文化相结合即马克思主义中国化的必要关节点,对马克思主义中国化特别是毛泽东思想的形成具有重要的意义;第二,延安学者对传统文化精华的继承以及对糟粕的批判,既为中华民族新文化的发展找到了历史的支撑,也排除了先进文化发展的障碍,为先进文化发展奠定了基础;第三,延安时期中共的传统文化研究既回击了日本侵略者的文化侵略,提高了中华民族的自尊心与自信心,也高扬了爱国主义旗帜,振奋了民族精神,对抗日统一战线的巩固和发展及重铸民族精神长城具有重要的作用:第四,延安时期中共对蒋记政府的“尊孔读经”等封建复古逆流的批判,既使人民群众认清了国民党统治思想的反动本质,也在一定意义上扩大了中国共产党的政治影响;第五,延安时期中共对传统道德的批判、继承,大大加强了党的道德修养的针对性与自觉性,不仅对党的思想建设、作风建设具有重要的意义,还在一定程度上对党的组织建设具有重要影响:第六,对封建迷信的批判,为科学思想的发展扫除了障碍,促进了社会的文明与进步。最后,延安时期中共的传统文化研究活动对动员民众、移风易俗,最终取得最广大人民群众的支持亦具有不可忽视的作用。 “以史为鉴,可以知兴替”。总结延安时期中国共产党对传统文化研究、借鉴、批判、继承、创新的基本经验,不仅具有重要的理论意义和学术价值,而且对加强新时期党的思想理论及道德建设、对建设中华民族先进文化、对实现祖国的完全统一、对中华民族的伟大复兴,都有重要的现实借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The traditional Chinese culture (TCC) is rich and profound with a long history. In China’s modern history of over 100 years.in view of saving the nation, it is an urgent problem for progressive Chinese people to find out how to face the influence and challenge of western culture and how to handle the TCC. But in this period, different political forces, such as the peasant movement and bourgeois revolutionary party with Hong Xiuquan and Sun Yat-sen as the leaders respectively as well as the self-strengtheners of the landlord class and the Wu-hsu reformers of the bourgeoisie cannot treat the TCC scientifically: they denied it totally or succeeded it completely or insisted on the combination (irrelevant and improper in fact) of Chinese and western culture. The inappropriate ideas of the TCC had a bad effect on the national salvation, the lesson of which is impressive.With the New Culture Movement’s influence, The Communist Party of China (CPC) had formed correct view of new-democratic culture during the period of Yan’an. As to the TCC, the CPC realized the historical necessity of its being replaced by new culture and analyzed its existence at that time; the party advocated the inheritance of the TCC from Confucius to Sun Yat-sen and distinguished stale feudal culture from the people’s culture; it paid great attention to academic research of the TCC and fought against the doctrine of "back to the ancient" of the Kuomintang (KMT) reactionaries and Japanese invaders using the dross of the TCC as well as against feudal superstitious ideas. All of the above ideas and activities of the CPC were very important to the enforcement of its ideological and theoretical system and the victory of new-democratic revolution and also the accumulation of rich experience for the socialist culture construction of the CPC after the founding of the PRC.Guided by the view of new-democratic culture, in thought, the CPC attached great importance to the TCC in order to overcome dogmatism, to realize China’s localization of Marxism, to resist Japanese culture penetration, to win the victory over the ideological intrusion of the KMT and to set up a new culture and a new society for Chinese people; In practice, the CPC carried out overall researches of the TCC: 1. research of Confucianism, Monism and other various schools of thought 2. critical inheritance of experience and lesson from ancient famous battles and peasant wars 3. critical inheritance of traditional literature and art as well as collection and arrangement of folk art 4. the making of protection law of relics 5. exposure and criticism of the doctrine of "back to the ancient" of the KMT reactionaries and Japanese invaders as well as feudal superstitious ideas.The above measures of the CPC have the traits of unity of nation and times, of consistence of science and revolution and of stress of region, popularity and affinity to the people.Although the CPC’s research, utilization and criticism of the TCC have somedrawbacks due to the anti-Japanese war and the CPC members’ limited Marxist theoretical level at that time, all the activities are of historic significance: 1. The research of the TCC has realized the key link of Marxism and the TCC, i.e. China’s localization of Marxism. 2. The inheritance and criticism of the TCC has laid the foundation for the development of progressive culture. 3. The research of the TCC has resisted the invasion of Japanese imperialist culture and aroused Chinese patriotism and nationalism, resulting in the consolidation and development of anti-Japanese united front. 4. The criticism of the doctrine "back to the ancient" of the KMT reactionaries has made Chinese people clearly see the reactionary essence of the KMT ruling conception and to some extent enlarged the CPC’s political influence. 5. The inheritance and criticism of traditional morals have greatly improved the CPC’s ideological work, style of work and organic construction. 6. The criticism of feudal superstitious ideas has promoted social progress and civilization. 7. The research has arous

  • 【分类号】D231
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