

Influences of Polyactin a on Activities of Immune Function and Growth in Chicken

【作者】 郭抗抗

【导师】 张彦明;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 预防兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 多抗甲素(PolyactinA,PAA)是一种具有免疫活性和抗肿瘤作用的多糖类物质,化学成分为α-甘露聚糖肽物质,属于一种糖蛋白,为我国首创的一种新型免疫增强剂。多抗甲素作为一种生物活性多糖类物质,具有广泛的生物活性。近年来,将多抗甲素用于家畜、家禽疾病的预防和治疗上,生产上取得了较好的效果,一般认为其具有增强动物免疫功能,提高机体对各种疾病的抵抗力,并能促进动物对营养物质的吸收和利用。本试验以雏鸡为动物模型来研究多抗甲素(其产品商品名为增益素)对鸡接种新城疫疫苗后免疫功能(T 细胞、B 细胞和巨噬细胞吞噬功能)的影响和对肉鸡的抗感染能力和促进生长的影响。结果表明: 1.饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡接种新城疫疫苗后,其血清抗鸡新城疫病毒(NDV)抗体水平在不同的测定时间内均高于不饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡;在免疫接种后第 10d 和 21d 明显高于不饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡(p﹤0.01)。 2.饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡淋巴细胞活化指数在不同的测定时间内均高于相应的对照组;在首次免疫接种后 21d(p﹤0.05)和 27d(p﹤0.01)明显高于不饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡。 3.饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬率和吞噬指数均高于未饲喂增益素(多抗甲素)的鸡。 4.添加增益素(多抗甲素)组的鸡发病率和死亡率都显著低于不饲喂组(p﹤00.1 或 p﹤0.05);并可使鸡的体重明显增加,降低料肉比。 5.上述结果说明,增益素(多抗甲素)对鸡特异性免疫和非特异性免疫功能都有一定的促进作用,一方面可以激活机体的体液免疫功能,同时也可提高机体的细胞免疫活性。并对肠道致病菌有一定的清除作用和促进动物增重。

【Abstract】 Polyactin A (PAA )is a new immunopotentiator which has extensiveactivities .It is a kind of polysaccharides for having immunity activity and anti –tumorfunctions ,main chemistry composition is α -mannan-peptide belonging to aglucoprotein .In recent years ,There were many researches on the functions of PAAfor treatment and prevention animal’s diseases ,its showed that the PAA couldenhance the ability to resistance diseases and improve the nourishment absorption inanimals . We researched the effects of Polyactin A on the B cell ,T cell and phagocytosisactivity of macrophage in chickens after being treated with vaccine and resistancedisease and accelerating growth in meat chicken .The results indicated that : 1.The specific antibody level (HI titres ) of chicken’s peripheral blood treated byPAA were higher than not be treated groups .Its were significant (p﹤0.01) on the 10thand the 21th days after being treated with ND vaccine . 2.The activate index of T lymphoid cell were higher in the groups treated withPAA in different measurement time. Its were significant on the 21th day (p﹤0.05)andthe 27th day (p﹤0.01)after being treated ND vaccine . 3.The phagocytic proportion and phagocytic index of macrophage in asties wereincreased higher in chicken by being treated PAA. 4. Its were significant in the rate of disease incidence (p﹤0.01)and rate of death(p﹤0.05)were decreased and promoted the heavy in the chickens being treated withPAA . 5.Tt’s showing that the PAA can increase the specific and unspecific immunityfunctions and can activate the humoral and cell-mediated immunity and eliminateentergerms and acceleration growth in chicken.

  • 【分类号】S852.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】199

