

Effects of Nitric Oxide (NO) on Active Oxygen Metabolism of Postharvest Tomato

【作者】 张少颖

【导师】 任小林; 饶景萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以“百利”番茄为试材,在常温 30±2℃条件下研究 NO 处理对番茄果实成熟衰老过程中呼吸速率、膜透性、活性氧代谢及相关酶类的活性变化以及果实品质因子的影响。初步探讨了 NO 处理对番茄果实成熟衰老的影响及其作用机制。为进一步开发 NO 在果实保鲜上的应用提供理论依据。 试验结果表明:(1)“百利”番茄为跃变型果实,采后具有典型的呼吸高峰和乙烯释放高峰。NO 处理可降低番茄果实贮藏期间的呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,推迟果实呼吸峰和乙烯释放峰的出现。(2)NO 处理可延缓果实硬度下降,部分抑制了加速果实衰老的H2O2、O2 等活性氧含量的上升,提高了 SOD、POD、CAT、ASA-POD 等保护酶的活性。(3) .—NO 处理延缓蛋白质和 VC 的降解,推迟果实颜色的转变,抑制了可滴定酸含量的变化,降低了膜透性,减缓了可溶性固形物含量的变化。(4)NO 处理还可以抑制外源乙烯诱导的果实硬度的下降、呼吸速率及乙烯释放速率的增加,推迟乙烯诱导的呼吸峰和乙烯释放峰的出现。(5)NO 处理抑制了乙烯诱导的果实叶绿素的降解,延缓果实颜色的转变,且在一定程度上抑制了乙烯诱导的 H2O2、O2 含量的上升,并对乙烯诱导的清除活性氧的 .—保护酶类的活性和抗氧化剂的含量的降低有一定的抑制作用。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the effects of postharvest treatment with NO on respiration rate, the rate ofethylene production , fruit firmness , membrance permeability, active oxygen metabolism andthe enzyme activities correlated with active oxygen metabolism, and the qualities of ‘Baili’tomato fruit during ripening and senescence at ambient temperature 30 ± 2 ℃ wereinvestigated. The relationship of nitric oxide and tomato senescence ,the physiological andbiochemical mechanism of ripening and senescence of tomato were also discussed. All abovewere expected to provide theoretical bases for NO applying to fruit storage. The results of study showed that ‘Baili’tomato was climacteric fruit, and had significantpeaks of respiration and ethylene production. NO could reduce the rates of respiration andethylene production, and remarkably degrade the height of ethylene and respiration peaks. Itpostphoned the appearing time of respiration and ethylene peaks. It also delayed the loss offirmness and changes of fruit colour, decreased MDA content and membrance permeability,retarded the decrease of the contents of protein、Vc and change of titratable acidity, inhibitedpartly the increase the contents of H2O2、O2 and increased the enzyme activities relating to .—active oxygen metabolism(SOD、POD、CAT、ASA-POD). NO restained the loss of firmness the increase of respiration rate and ethyleneproduction , postphoned the appearing time of respiration and ethylene peaks, prevented theincrease of active oxygen (H2O2、O2 ), inhibited the decrease of chlorophyll content、 .—antioxidant content and the enzyme activities relating to active oxygen metabolism in certaindegree , and retarded the change of fruit colour induced by exogenous ethylene.

【关键词】 番茄NO活性氧代谢衰老
【Key words】 ‘Baili’tomatoNOactive oxygenmetabolismsenescence
  • 【分类号】S641.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】459

