

Study on Fertilization Amount for Banana Summer Squash in Eco-organic Soilless Culture

【作者】 陈昌文

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验利用三因素二次饱和-D设计,对香蕉西葫芦生育期中氮、磷、钾三种元素进行DPS分析,得到回归模型为:y= 543.7581 + 22.3308X1 + 7.9281X2 + 69.5503X3 + 20.8152X1X2 + 27.3437X1X3 + 65.6910X2X3- 103.5530X12 + 8.6026X22 - 99.2235X321.分析结果表明:1)三因素对产量的影响各不相同,线性项是X3>X1>X2,即各元素对香蕉西葫芦产量的影响大小顺序是:钾>氮>磷。2)经过对模型的解析,分别得到氮与磷、氮与钾、磷与钾的交互效应方程,氮与磷、氮与钾、磷与钾均表现为正的交互效应,其中磷钾>氮钾>氮磷。3)试验优选出的最终配方为:X1=0.3066,X2=1,X3=0.7255时,即氮施肥量为16.9858kg,磷为14kg,钾为29.3335kg,有最高产量为615.7565Kg/亩。经频数分析,当每亩施氮量在12.94675~15.4843Kg,施磷量在6.72355~10.5462Kg,施钾量在17.94355~23.0333Kg时,每亩产量有95%的可能高于540Kg(收获时间为53天)。2.经过试验分析,得知鸡粪不同时期速效氮的释放较稳定,基本控制在230mg/kg左右,不同时期鸡粪速效磷的释放在1.3g/kg左右,鸡粪速效钾的释放在4.4g/kg左右。3.在试验中,香蕉西葫芦平均每株总共吸收氮约10.2克,在营养生长期中约占总吸收的12%,约1.2克,生殖生长期中占88%,约9克,其中被瓜带走约占73%,约7.4克;平均每株总共吸收磷(P2O5)约3.2克,在营养生长期中约占总吸收的15%,约0.5克,生殖生长期中占85%,约2.7克,其中被瓜带走约占69%,约占2.2克;平均每株总共吸收钾(K2O)约7.8克,在营养生长期中约占总吸收的11%,约0.9克,生殖生长期中占89%,约6.9克,其中被瓜带走约占67%,约5.3克。4.经计算较合理的施肥量为:基肥:每m3基施10kg商品鸡粪,同时拌入0.5kg蛭石复合肥。追肥:在定植后20天追一次蛭石复合肥,每株追施10克,此后,每10天追肥一次,鸡粪与复合肥交替进行施入,因基质缓冲性较弱,每次追肥不应太多,每次每槽追20克蛭石复合肥或鸡粪50g(可提供全氮约2g,全磷1.7g,全钾0.8g)

【Abstract】 The experiment, in which the two times saturated-D optimal design was adopted, involving 3 factors, each with 5 levels, were conducted to study the fertilization amount for banana summer squash in Eco-organic type soilless culture system. With the aid of computer,the model demonstrating the relationship between yield factor and three element factors(N,P,K)were established. The model is as follows: Y= 543.7581+22.3308X1+7.9281X2+69.5503X3+20.8152X1X2+27.3437X1X3+65.6910X2X3-103.5530X12+8.6026X22-99.2235X32Analysis result indicated that: Firstly, the effects of three factors on the yield of cucumber increased by degrees in series of K,N,P. Secondly, the interaction among three factor existed. The interaction between N and K,N and P,P and K were significant. Theinteraction effect between P and K is greater than that of N and K and N and P. Thirdly,by simulating with computer, to achieve the yield of 615.7565Kg/acre.the optimum amount of N,P and K were 16.9858kg,14kg and 29.3335kg respectively during growing stage.After analysis of chicken manure showed that: It’s release rate is stabilizable during different stage, the quick acting N,P and K release rate are about 230mg/kg,1.3g/kg and4.4g/kg respectively during different stage.In this experiment, the mean absorption of N was 10.2g/plant, the absorption during vegetative growth stage and reproductive growth stage were 1.2g/plant,9g/plant respectively; the mean absorption of P was 3.2 g/plant, the absorption during vegetative growth stage and reproductive growth stage were 0.5g/plant,2.7g/plant respectively; the mean absorption of K was 7.8 g/plant, the absorption during vegetative growth stage and reproductive growth stage were 0.9g/plant,6.9g/plant respectively.After calculation, the reasonable fertilization regime would be as follow:Base fertilizer: mature chicken manure 10kg/m3, vermiculite compound fertilizer 0.5kg/m3.Additional fertilizer: vermiculite compound fertilizer 10g/plant, 20 days after planting; hereafter, Applying fertilizer every 10 days, vermiculite compound fertilizer 10g/plant or chicken manure 25g/plant,fertilize them alternatively (it can offer total N,P and K 1g, 0.85g and 0.4g respectively)

  • 【分类号】S642.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】250

